Monday, August 27, 2007

Family Night and Schooling

Miniature golf... tonight we went to play miniature golf for FREE!! The kids got tickets from the reading program, so we all got to play without having to pay a dime. (Thanks kids!) We stopped at McDonald's after that for dinner, the kids got some time at the playplace, and Jim and I were able to sit and relax... it was a very nice evening.

Oh, and I almost forgot. We started school today and it went VERY well. Kyle did an awesome job and actually did an extra lesson! Beth was a little... hmmm intimidated, nervous, or something when she sat down to do her book, but she did pretty well. Last year 3rd grade was hard at the beginning of the year also, so I know she will be doing better by the end of the week.


Kim said...

Sounds like alot of fun! I wish the children well as they embark on another adventerous school year.

Anonymous said...

Fun!!! I'm glad that you had a good day with school and a nice family night together.

Trish said...

Glad to hear that things are going well, especially with Beth. I hope this is a good school year for you guys!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good day of schooling and a fun evening of family time.

R. L. Evans said...

That's great you started school! I'm SOOOO happy that Kyle started off this year ready to go! I'm sure Beth will advance in her books in no time!!! That's nice you all had a great day minature golfing and at McDonald's!