Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter and Allergys

Well, you can probably tell we haven't been writing, but the reason for me is my allergies. They started in March so i started taking a medicine. Sometime between the 4th and the 8th my feet got really itchy and my mom said it was a reaction to the medicine. So, I took another, and it made me drowsy, really drowsy. I would wake up at 10, take a nap at 2, my mom would wake me up at 6 and then at night I would fall a sleep at 9. But thankfully we got me on one that I am not allergic to or that makes me sleep all the time.

Also, this Easter was nice; the church service was great, we went to a friends house, she cooked for us, and gave me and my brother Easter gifts. And after dinner I played with my friend. And before all that, my mom gave me and my brother Easter baskets; my basket had stickers, peeps, hand sanitizer, and a few other things, but my favorite was a duck pillow pet! Beth

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

So... the blog name got changed

So, as you can see the blog name got changed... Maybe between the two of us we can actually get something on here sometimes!! Neither one of us write enough to have our own blogs, so we thought we would try this. So, what have we been doing since last month..... church, school, another trip out of town to watch Kyle play basketball and the kids went to Pastor's School with Jim last week. I decided to stay home for a little R&R... it was nice. That's all for now. Debbie

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Museum of Science and Industry

Today Jim, Kyle, Beth, and I went to the Museum of Science and Industry. We watched two IMAX movies: the first one was about the Hubble Space Telescope and the second was a story about flying. The first one was really good.

But the coolest thing we did today was....... dissect a cow eyeball!!!

Each one of us got one and the instructor told us what to do. It was actually very easy to do. Lots of things came back as the instructor was asking us about the eye. Kyle even got the question of how many muscle hold our eye. (6 in case you are wondering) I was glad the kids handled it well..especially Beth...she hates studying the human body so this was BIG. And know what else! It was FREE!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Let's see

Well, we have been busy with school and shoveling snow and basketball.

Wow, I am sick of snow... the blizzard was something. Glad that we were all inside for the worst of it, all of us except my husband. He had to work a 24 hour shift that day... not the best.. but they made it through okay. I was most concerned about his drive up here at 7-8 am. You know that lots of snow already down on the ground and still falling isn't a great combo for an hour drive back!

The kids are doing well in school this year. It has been hard to get back on schedule.. but I think that is mostly me having a hard time with it. I don't really know why, but it just seemed so hard to stay focused. Leader with a poor focus=followers with poor focus. We have managed to stay on task today.. YEAH!

We took a trip to Nebraska to see Kyle's basketball tournament. WOW! Did they ever do a great job!!! The actually brought home the 2nd place trophy! Now to make this even more amazing is last year (same tournament) they lost ALL the games. Now, to make this even MORE amazing is that there were only 5 players on the team and well, you have to have 5 players. So, after playing lots of games (4 in about 3 hours) they got to the championship game. The were really close in that game too, but they had replacement players and there were on their third game against our 5th. The better you are the less you have to play.... that's how it works. We just had our 1st home game and it was great too! They won this game against a team they have played several times, but NEVER beat! Close game 46-44! Our team seems to love close matches! Drives me crazy!! lol

So, that's it for now. Have a blessed day/week.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Pressure... Pressure

Well as anyone can see by the date of the last post it has been a LOOOONG time since the last post. But, a couple friends are sad I am not keeping up. (how's that for an understatement!!!)

So, here it is... a post...

What would you all like to know?

Christmas break was wonderful this year as we took "extra" days in January because I knew we would need that time since our family party wasn't until the 1st! So, we are back to school and doing well except Beth has been sick. She doesn't have much time not being dizzy, so she lies around a lot right now due to a sinus infection.

On another note, I must say that God is very funny. I was reading a book and praying about the contents applying to me and the very thing I was praying about was what someone needed ME to tell THEM about. He does that often.... So, I am wondering if I should just get my act together so this other person will have an easier life or what! lol

Of course, I know that God gives us what we need when we need it, but it just seems sometimes, often....someone needs what I am reading about.... it's just strange...that's all I am saying. Hopefully, I helped this person. God needs to work in that situation, but really we all need to stay focused on God and let him work.... oh so hard!!

So, that's that...have a nice day!