Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Pressure... Pressure

Well as anyone can see by the date of the last post it has been a LOOOONG time since the last post. But, a couple friends are sad I am not keeping up. (how's that for an understatement!!!)

So, here it is... a post...

What would you all like to know?

Christmas break was wonderful this year as we took "extra" days in January because I knew we would need that time since our family party wasn't until the 1st! So, we are back to school and doing well except Beth has been sick. She doesn't have much time not being dizzy, so she lies around a lot right now due to a sinus infection.

On another note, I must say that God is very funny. I was reading a book and praying about the contents applying to me and the very thing I was praying about was what someone needed ME to tell THEM about. He does that often.... So, I am wondering if I should just get my act together so this other person will have an easier life or what! lol

Of course, I know that God gives us what we need when we need it, but it just seems sometimes, often....someone needs what I am reading about.... it's just strange...that's all I am saying. Hopefully, I helped this person. God needs to work in that situation, but really we all need to stay focused on God and let him work.... oh so hard!!

So, that's that...have a nice day!