Wednesday, February 28, 2007

My Dad

Today would have been my Dad's 68th birthday. This June it will be 20 years since his death. Whenever I remember my Dad I remember what a hard worker he was; he was a stockbroker and worked extra hours many days. I remember him providing a very comfortable life for us. I have heard that there were very hard times, but I think I was so little I just can't remember... or really didn't think we had it different from anyone else. I remember him taking us on a several trips: Ohio, to see friends; Michigan, cabin in the woods; Florida, I really remember the beach and Walt Disney World; Missouri, a trip to see where my older sister would be going to school and the Ozarks; and a couple trips to see my siblings away at school, one of which we got to ride in a limo! (My Dad's friend owned a company, so he decided we would take that)
I am certain this is not the most uplifting blog, but I rejoice with the time that I did have with him and what I learned from him. Every moment counts, but it is the really special times that stick in your head long after it has happened. I know I focus on what went wrong more than I should. Days like today make me remember to focus on the special times. Special times don't have to cost a lot of money... it is what you do with the time toegther that makes it special.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

How many ways can one child show signs of strep?

Well, I don’t really know the answer to this question. However, I think Beth is up to about 4 different ways, not one of which is a sore throat. As many of you know Beth hasn’t been feeling well lately and complaining of various ills, none of which are enough to do anything about. Today I called the doctor as she woke up with a headache again; we got in to see him about 3pm, and shocker….. She has strep! I should know by now when my kids are just not right, there is a 95% chance they have strep. I was thinking of making a special place on my blog just for strep symptoms that appear to have nothing what so ever to do with a typical case of strep. The ones we have experienced are not the easiest to put into pleasant words, so I opted not to do this, but if you want to know… I will be happy to share with you if you ask me.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Letter "E"

Well, after reading Julie and Trish's blogs I sat here thinking... I was going along the lines of eternal life like Trish and thought forgiveness is the real thing I would like to say... so I did some looking.


From all sins; past, present, and future. Thank you God!!

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Pictures from Mercy's Shower

This was a very nice shower. I am sure Mercy was encouraged by all the ladies. Thank you Denise for opening your home and doing so much for the shower.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Computer Problems

I just wanted to let you all know I am having some problems with my computer... sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't. I have actually had things ready to post and my computer shuts down. I really am trying to keep up with my post and view yours... but it has been very difficult lately, just wanted you to know.

This is Banana

Since everyone thought that tiny snake from Pilcher Park was nice, I thought you would enjoy seeing Banana. This was taken last summer at the library in town. Banana was REALLY big and strong! Snakes feel cool and dry in case you wondered about that. The real reason I helped with this "show" was because Kyle thought I wouldn't do it.... fooled him. NEVER UNDER ESTIMATE A MOM!

Kyle liked Banana too!!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Fun Day at Pilcher Park

Yummy Pancakes!
We took a short walk in the woods.

Some of us didn't wear the best shoes for walking in snow... but these!!

Sadly, someone burned this tree however, it is still alive.

Miss Lynn teaching us.

We had a really good time today and spent about 3 hours at the Nature Center. Very good trip Kris, you get an A+

Friday, February 16, 2007

Young Authors and Artist Night

Tonight was a great night. We all really enjoyed it. Thank you Pastor and Julie for putting so much into this night for our children; once again you have been a great blessing.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine’s Day

I hope you all have a wonderful day.
This is what I had the kids wake up with today. I know, chocolate cupcakes aren’t for breakfast but sometimes you gotta break the rules!


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Time With Friends

Today Jayne had to go out, so I had the boys for a couple hours. The time flew by! They played outside for about an hour or so.. much to cold for my tastes so I watched them play as I ironed. I had a picture, but I couldn't get it on because my "done" button was not showing up. (Anyone have a clue about that?) We watched a video on WW1 airplanes yesterday, and today we were off to Australia for Language Arts for Kyle. I would love to go there someday, I am sure it is more beautiful then the DVD can show us. Well, I have to hit a few blogs before bed! C ya

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Convicted…. Twice

Well, today’s preaching really spoke to me. The morning service was from 1Thessalonians, and he preached about being sober minded. Well, I don’t have a problem with drinking, but I took the figurative meaning of sober to heart. I have been struggling with my eating for a long time; bad habits from childhood, and really not wanting to make the effort to change my ways. So that got me thinking… One of the things Pastor said was, we are being watched by others, saved and unsaved. How can I show anyone that God has power, if I don’t show self-control? Someone offered me candy after the service and I turned it down, one step forward (the two steps back are the killers!!). Well, this evening Pastor preached from the book of Hosea (chapter 5) as he has been doing for a few weeks now. Tonight’s sermon was titled, “Confession”. In my own words, Pastor said all the things that we are not confessing are keeping God away from us. We need to keep confessing to stay close to God, because he requires confession, regards it, and God will restore us. At first I sat there and thought, yes, I confess and a few things I had already confessed about went through my mind. Oh.. Surely I won’t have to worry about this! Well, as he kept preaching, Pastor said something about us being so prideful we even try to keep it from God by justifying why we are doing whatever it is. Ouch! Then I am sitting there telling the Holy Spirit to be quiet, so I can hear (just in case someday I need this). Holy Spirit is still talking and I am now thinking, maybe he is talking to me. Okay, the part about perseverance in sin… hmmm, yea, I am good at that. Anyway, I thought, I need to change things; well really I need to confess and ask God to change me. But here is the thing… I am terrible when no one makes me accountable. So, as you read this you can see that my goal is to change my eating, in doing so, I should lose some weight also, which I really need to do, but now I have made myself accountable and feel like a turkey in November with my neck stretched out ready for the kill. But there is hope….

Luke 1:37 For with God nothing shall be impossible.

Proverbs 28:13 He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.

1John1: 9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

I am very grateful to our Lord for His forgiveness, love, and strength.

Cold Weather

I don’t really like cold weather, but it is much nicer today, so I thought I write what it makes me appreciate.

Changing seasons
Bright sunshine
A warm house
Someone to snuggle with
Not having to go outside
A man to start the car (young and older)
Hot meals
Hot chocolate

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Valentine Banquet (part 2)

We had a great time. We appreciate how much you put into the lives of the Grace Baptist Church families. You are a blessing to all and we are grateful to you for your examples. Thank you for all your hard work.
Pastor and Julie look wonderful.
This is Jeremy getting the prize basket for the "Famous Couples" game. Hmmm I think everyone should ask him about what he got. You can't tell in this picture, but his face was really red!

Valentine Banquet

The ladies of Grace... I love our church.
One picture of us that I actually like.
I LOVE this picture!
Larry and Gerlinde look great as always... they won the romantic night away this year (again!)
This is a picture of them taking a picture of themselves... from the look on James' face, this happens WAY to much!

Thursday, February 8, 2007

A quick filed trip and then some

Today Cheryl called and asked if we wanted to go to the Lockport Gallery... so we did. The exhibit has bronze statues by the artist Preston Johnson (I think). The girls and Kyle talked and drew pictures, Cheryl and I watched part of a video, and then she sketched one of the pieces. Man, she is GOOD! We were only there for about an hour, which is long enough to see, but not long enough to sketch.. especially if you don't know how! After that we headed over to Denise's house to get Beth's hair fixed, it wasn't so bad and not that much more had to be cut. Beth was able to spend some time with Page and Georgia again, and Kyle and I went to look for church shoes. We have been looking for weeks and finally found them at Famous Footwear. After that I got dinner on and then headed to the store for the weekly trip. I can hardly wait until Walmart and Aldi are nearbyas this will make my shopping so much faster! After that I went to help Jayne with some dress issues. I am finally home, I am almost done typing, and I will get to go to bed soon.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

World War 1... again



Well, today we looked at some books about WW1. The kids drew these pictures (sorry they are not very clear... it is not easy taking these types of pics) and we took some photos of the books. I am still not sure what we are doing with them, but I am leaning towards making a picture display of how different the dress and equipment was between the two wars.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

World War 1

Today we finished watching a DVD on World War 1. It was really long, but full of information and old footage from that time. This DVD actually interviewed a couple men that fought in the war, we were surprised by that as it was made around 2002. We will be moving onto World War 2 and then maybe looking at the planes and U-boats. I didn't realize it, but the first flight with an airplane was just 11 years before this war...and they only got it off the ground for a little bit. That is amazing to me. I am not sure what science or craft type of project to do with this unit, but I we will just see what happens.

Monday, February 5, 2007

My "H" List

As Trish started here is my "H" list:

Husband... I like mine :)

Home...the people and the place

Happiness... it is always nice

Homeschool.... sometimes this one hurts, but I see how much it pulls us together and I can't imagine them not being home

Hospital... sounds strange, but without them, we would have a really bad time.

Hospitality... not just because that is what I do at church, but because I love having people over and love being with my friends

Health... cuz that's a good thing

Hugs... enough said

Hairspray... something has to help!

Hershey!! WHOOOO!! Did any one of you think I would not be able to list chocolate???!!!!

Sunday, February 4, 2007

More pictures

That CUTE, CUTE baby from "My Life With Conner and My Crazy Dog" with the best hat for today's weather!!
Nathan is so cute! He was smiling at Kyle. Kyle just loves Nathan.
A very blue Tanner! Who's idea was this???

What a nice birthday picture. Happy Birthday Joe!!

Pictures from church

The baby shower for Cheri
Beth and Jackson How sweet!
Do you think she didn't want her picture taken??
Now, this I like!!!
Oh, wait!! THIS one is the best. She is such a pretty young lady and doesn't even know it...

Saturday, February 3, 2007

I have been busy for the past couple days and hardly had time to stop. Well, since it was so cold today, we didn't have soul winning... I took advantage of that, and got my laundry done and spent extra time with God. This morning was one of those days that I just didn't want to get moving. Jim and I watched a movie last night, and it was one of those that makes you wonder "what if". At first it made me think of things I missed out on.... but then I started thinking about what a good life I have. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jim loves me and would do anything for me, I have a nice home, 2 wonderful children, great friends, an awesome church, the best Pastor and Pastor's wife, my extended family is close, I have good health... etc, etc, etc. I hate to say it, but there was a time in my life I did not appreciate what I have AT ALL. Sometimes, those thoughts still come up. But something I have learned by being at Grace Baptist, is to appreciate what I have and love people now. Seems really simple doesn't it, and yet sometimes it is so hard. It is so easy to think about things we don't have, but it sure is more pleasant appreciating the wonderful things we do have.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Thinking about God

Yesterday Beth had to draw pictures of nouns; person, place, and a thing. She drew Pastor, church, and a Bible. As she showed it to me, I told her she did a good job and I liked the things she picked. She said, “That is why church is so great, it give me ideas”. How sweet it is when she could pick anything at all, she picked things that make people think of God. It was such a blessing.