Saturday, August 18, 2007

Beth's Recovery

LAST NIGHT: Beth got home yesterday about 6pm after her surgery. We had to stay a little longer because she was having problems keeping the liquids down and as soon as they gave her the pain medicine... well, lets just say that was the "last straw". She got an extra bag of saline through her IV because the nurse didn't want to send her home starting to get dehydrated. She had a few more times of getting ill last night, the last being around 10:30. She slept through the night without any problems.

TODAY: She just had some more pain medicine and is resting comfortably, or so it seems. She did tell me in the brief time that she was awake this morning (about 5 minutes) that she feels worse today. She basically will be on a soft diet for 12 days, so I hope that is not a big struggle for her. Last night she kept telling us she wanted soup because she was hungry. If anyone has non-dairy ideas for "soft" meals, I would appreciate it. I was really surprised while looking for things for her to eat, just how many "soft" dairy products there are. I certainly don't want to complicate her recovery with throwing her allergy on top of it!

Thank you all for your prayers; we greatly appreciate them. She has been handling everything really well, thanks to God. I know He is watching over her and she will get through this recovery great even if there a few rough spots.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad everything went well ~

Mrs. Julie Fink said...

Bless her heart. She's in my thoughts and prayers (you are too!).

Kris's Korner said...

Hang in there sweet little Beth. We are praying for you. When this is over you will feel sooooo much better.

Anonymous said...

I'm happy everything went well. As for your soft diet ideas~~~ scrambled eggs, flavored apple sauces, fruit slushies, cream of wheat or malt o meal cereal, oat meal, pasta or rice in sauce/gravy, pasta salad, fruit salad. I'll keep you guys in my prayers. Tell Beth "get well soon"!