Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Kyle's Doctor Appointment

Today we had to go to the doctor for Kyle's collar bone. He unfortunately still cannot be an active 12 year old boy. He has the sling off and he is excited he has his arm free. We will go back to the doctor in 3 weeks and hopefully, God willing, he will be able to go back to normal activities then.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry that Kyle has to wait even longer I know he was looking forward to it being over. We will pray that the next appointement will be the end of this.

Kim said...

I'm sorry about Kyle's arm but at least its free from that sling. I'll pray that it heals soon.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry that Kyle has to wait longer to get back to being himself. I'll keep praying that he heals quickly.

Ashleigh Baker said...

Yikes! That sure wouldn't be fun. I'll be praying for your man-in-training... for a speedy healing and grace to endure to the end!