Saturday, June 23, 2007

Saturdays Fly By

Today Jim, Kyle, and I went door knocking with the church. After we that, Jim did some work for the church and Kyle and I just spent time together. Beth was playing with Page and Georgia. When we stopped by to pick Beth up, we got to see the chicks and ducks that they are hatching. Okay, I have to say it was interesting... and gross.... and no, I have NO plans to do this with my kids! There are people in this world that think that stuff is fun (aka, Cheryl) and those that don't EVER want to do something like that (aka, me). I think I may just have to send the kids over every few days to visit. I know, as a home schooling mom, I should jump at a chance to do something like this, but lets face it... what are friends for? I mean if you can't use their talents... what a waste!!! I prefer to think of my not having ANY desire to hatch eggs as a chance to let Cheryl express herself, share her love of animals with others, and teach. Ya know, I would almost have to push this issue and say... I sure am nice to let my kids hang out with Ms. Cheryl!!!

Did that sound convincing??? I sure hope so, because I don't ever plan on hatching eggs! :)

Okay, back to the rest of today. We got to visit with Gus, Jinger, and Natalie. Guess what? She is PREGNANT!!! Yeah! She is due in September. Please keep her in your prayers as she has had difficulties in the past.

After all that, we had dinner, I worked on my announcements for Birthday and Anniversary, and worked on a site for my family for birthday reminders and stuff like that. I just tucked Beth into bed and I am off to do the dishes so I can call it a night myself.

Hope everyone had a blessed day!!


Anonymous said...


tracy said...

Did you have eggs for breakfast ?
***** GROSS ***** I am so sorry, I could not help myself :)

Kim said...

I'm with you on this one- We'll let Cheryl grow the chicks, they may be cute- but I don't have no desire to raise them.