Saturday, April 28, 2007

Soul Winning, Church, and Deck Repair
We all went soul winning today; the kids were with their Sunday School teachers, so Jim and I got to be together. After that the kids went with Jayne, I came home and worked on my Sunday School lesson and two announcements, and Jim worked at the church. After Jim was done at the church he went to get some wood. We are working on the back deck. The lower lattice needs repair and we are changing the upper lattice to balusters. It looks great so far. It was really nice because Jim and I worked together. He, of course, did most of the work; but I helped remove the lattice, measure, start the screws, held the balusters in place, handed him stuff, and helped clean up. As I am getting older, I really enjoy the time that we have together more and more. Today was a really good day full of hard work, but it is such a joy to know that we did it together and I really was a help meet to him today. Isn't it a wonderful feeling when we are in our roles.
And Jayne and Jeff invited us over for dinner, which was really great because I wasn't working on that as I was outside! Thanks Jayne.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you had time together.

Trish said...

Sounds like a good day!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a very productive and rewarding day together.

Kim said...

Happy to hear you two had quality time alone and that it was a productive day.

You did an awesome job!! with the boundary aspect of life. Wtg

Mrs. Julie Fink said...

Good things keep happening at the Billquist house.

tracy said...

I was absolutely convicted by your your lesson :) I think I need a shorter chain !!!! and possibly a muzzle until I can teach my tongue to "heel"

Debbie said...

Thanks Tracy... as long as we are still trying God is pleased... keep that in mind.