Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Look Who Is Back....

Well, I have some news.... Boston is now our dog! I know.. I told you I didn't want a dog, but here is the deal. Jeremy and Sabrina love her, but it is just way to hard with Conner and where they are living. Jim LOVES Boston! After the last visit with us, I said to Jim, I can't believe you want a dog. He replied, "I don't want a dog, I want THAT dog". Huh? What? You know my feelings on that... Anyway, I could tell it was coming, Jim and Jeremy were talking, and the kids love her, and I was the only one that really liked her, but mostly after she left. So, since my husband never requests much, honestly; I just couldn't be the reason he didn't have the dog he wanted.
Jim picked her up last night and brought her here about 7pm. The kids were just looking at her and asked why she was here. (Later Kyle said he didn't remember Jeremy and Sabrina needed us to watch her while they were out of town... how cute!) It took about 1 minute until they understood she was ours and jumped up and down. She took her usual place in Kyle's room, just like she never left.
Today, she heard my alarm go off at 6am... funny thing about that is, I heard it to, but thought "I don't want to get up", so I hit the snooze button and laid there for about....30 seconds... when what do I hear, but Boston at my door making sure I heard my alarm by gently scratching the door, whining and followed up by 2 barks.... I got up, but I didn't like it! I sent her out the door and apparently she didn't visit with us long enough and was back in the house within 10 minutes! Not long after Jim went for his morning walk with John, and Boston was nuts! How could he leave her here! She didn't know where to run to get the best view and try to convince him to take her with.
Fast forward to noon. Jeremy stopped by just to make sure she was okay and stayed to play with her for a few minutes. Oh, and while he was here, he directed Boston to a little squirrel by a tree. Boston took off and nipped the little fellow and then stalked it for a while. One of the little squirrels friend stopped by and thought that Boston was a bit much for it, and left. So did Boston. Yep, she jumped right over the fence from about 3 feet away. She almost had that little guy for lunch. Fortunately, Jeremy jumped the fence and dropped her back over.
Fast forward to 8pm. (We were at the Prodehl's house all afternoon, so the boys could finish there science fair project.) Anyway, we come home and let the dog out. Do a little bit more reading for our brief study on the Panama Canal and go check on the dog. Dog? hmmm I know there was a dog in our backyard..... oh, yes, there she is on the other side of the fence! Now that we see her, she decides she doesn't want to be all that close to us, so walks away... little stinker. Kyle jumps the fence, I go around the block and we meet on the other side.... Does this sound familiar to anyone??? We tell her she is bad and goes about her business like nothing has happen. That's where our stories end for today. The kids are in bed, I am at the desk, and Boston, who knows... maybe eating socks, garbage picking, or hopefully resting!
I think maybe my blog name might need to be changed to Me-N-My 3 and My Crazy Dog!! Thanks Sabrina!!! :D


Anonymous said...

I LOVE IT! Now we can have kids and dogs that can play together!

Anonymous said...

Plus think of all the new blog stories!

Anonymous said...

Too Funny!!! I knew you would end up with a dog sooner or later~~~didn't think it would be Boston though. Congrat on the addition to your happy family~~~let the fun begin.

Mrs. Julie Fink said...

Bless your heart. I'm sure you will receive some special rewards in heaven for this one.

Kris's Korner said...

Congrads!!!! You can have Eddie too.

Trish said...

I figured it was only a matter of time...C'mon Deb, you KNOW you really wanted Boston to come and live with you! You are a such a good wife! I can't wait to hear the stories. This will be fun!

Trish said...

Oh, forgot to mention -- my cat is having kittens...just in case you need more pets.

Debbie said...

Trish... no way on the cat!!

Design.by.Kina said...

Congrats and thanks for being willing to take care of my dog-niece:-)