Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Another Dog Story

We kept Boston on a chain as we don't trust her being out by herself. Kyle took her out this evening after Master's Club and he was gone a long time, so I finally checked on them. Seems she saw something on the other side of the fence... yep, even on the leash, she jumped it!! So, poor Kyle is standing there not knowing what to do because Boston is on one side of the fence and he is on the other and he knows if the lets the leash go, she will be gone. Jim went out and picked her up and brought her back over the fence. Kyle got ready for bed and I made him some hot chocolate. On a good note, Boston is getting really good about me drying her paws... she hates her paws touched.


Anonymous said...

Poor Kyle, that fence issue will be hard to fix. Maybe you could shorten her chain so she can't reach it? said...

HaHa Boston... you baa--aadd dog! She's a cutie though, hugh, even when she's acting like the devil!

Kris's Korner said...

Welcome to parenthodd all over again. Oh boy We will pray of rthe Billquest.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that Boston is being naughty. I'm sure she is just testing her new found freedom.