Friday, August 31, 2007

One Blog to Another

I was blog hopping today, something I do rarely with limits being time. But I came across this blog and was encouraged by such young ladies. Thought you might want to take a look....

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Post-Op Day 13!

We made it!! Today marks post-op day 13 which is a very significant day... the chance of her having any problems with her throat bleeding drop incredibly on this date; days between 6 and 12 are the worst time for bleeding. She is eating and drinking pretty much normally, she doesn't really want to try hard foods, but there are so many soft foods that she has started eating now, it doesn't seem to matter.

Schooling has kept us pretty busy this week. Kyle is doing a fabulous job with his work, is not complaining like earlier years, and working more independently too!! Beth is having more issues this year, seems 4th grade is throwing her for a loop! She still is excited about school in general, but the work itself is a bit hard to manage. I am not really sure what we are going to do with her regarding this... so please pray for us.

On another note, I thought this email from Rachel was interesting... something! So much for me telling Kyle it matters how you spell!! (I still do realize it matters just in case you wondered)

Only great minds can read this This is weird, but interesting!

fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can. i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Family Night and Schooling

Miniature golf... tonight we went to play miniature golf for FREE!! The kids got tickets from the reading program, so we all got to play without having to pay a dime. (Thanks kids!) We stopped at McDonald's after that for dinner, the kids got some time at the playplace, and Jim and I were able to sit and relax... it was a very nice evening.

Oh, and I almost forgot. We started school today and it went VERY well. Kyle did an awesome job and actually did an extra lesson! Beth was a little... hmmm intimidated, nervous, or something when she sat down to do her book, but she did pretty well. Last year 3rd grade was hard at the beginning of the year also, so I know she will be doing better by the end of the week.

Friday, August 24, 2007

A Normal day!

Today we just had a "normal" day. Beth was doing very well, and took her medicine without complaint every time I gave it to her. I still have to be after her to keep drinking, but it seems to be a little better.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

A Good Day!

It is really nice to be able to write that title!

I gave Beth the ibuprofen as soon as she got up so she would be able to drink, but more importantly try to eat something so she wouldn't get ill from the other medicine. A little while later, after she ate about half of a peanut butter sandwich I gave her the heavy duty medicine and it went well. She said ears/throat hurt only a little, she got a little nauseous and then she got a really bad headache... after a little more ibuprofen she was much better and that was the worst of our day! I am getting to understand what she says, so I know how to help her now that she is feeling so much better. She has been drinking fairly well today too, even though I have to be on top of her to make sure she is doing it. She was even up to having some friends over to play tonight.

We enjoyed a wonderful dinner both last night and tonight, thanks to our wonderful church family. We really appreciate all your help and love during this, shall we say, less than routine time. :)

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Long Night

Sorry I didn't update yesterday after the 2am time...we had a rough day.

Beth continued to be nauseous yesterday, and wasn't really drinking much. She just felt so terrible between getting ill and moving closer and closer to dehydration. The doctor's office called us yesterday around 3:30 and I told her what was happening, she checked with the doctor and called me back at 3:45 and told me what had an appointment at 4:45! So we threw some clothes on her, brushed her hair, and took off. We saw the doctor about 5:45 and he said everything from the surgery looked okay, so in that respect she was doing well. He said that she is at the edge of being officially dehydrated, so either she had to drink a really big glass of water during the time he checked someone else or she had to go to the ER for an IV. She cried, made "mad" faces, gave up and started drinking again (about 5 times). The doctor came in and she wasn't done, so he said, I am gonna give you one more minute. She cried and made "mad" faces again. (oh yea...I think she said, "I am gonna die" half a dozen times and no one is helping her). So, it was time to verbally help her recall God's power. I repeated Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me about 10 time to her, and bless her heart she just kept going until she literally could not put anything else in!

We got home from the doctor's office with new times for the medicine and strict orders to keep drinking and the message, they will be calling, no pressure there at all!

We arrived here about 6:45 and I got 3-4 more ounces in her. Gave her the pain medicine... and she was nauseous again about 45 minutes later... so barely drank anything. Then we tried crackers and oatmeal to try to keep the upset tummy calm. By the time that was all done, it was 11pm and time for the medicine again, but she got sick, so we didn't. So, in total desperation and frustration I cried unto the Lord, and then called Jim. I was clueless what I should do...medicate for pain control and let her be sick or let her be in pain, but have drink anyway, avoiding the pending ER visit if she doesn't drink. This would be the proverbial between a rock and hard place!! So, Jim and I talked and decided she just had to be in pain, if that is what was gonna happen, because the pain wouldn't put her in the hospital, but the dehydration would.

This is how the night played out:
11:30 wake the perfectly, content, way-to-sleepy child who doesn't know I am trying to get her to drink and give her a drink
12am wake the perfectly, content, way-to-sleepy child who doesn't know I am trying to get her to drink and give her a drink
12:30am wake the perfectly, content, way-to-sleepy child who doesn't know I am trying to get her to drink and give her a drink
1am wake the perfectly, content, way-to-sleepy child who doesn't know I am trying to get her to drink and give her a drink
1:30am wake the perfectly, content, way-to-sleepy child who doesn't know I am trying to get her to drink and give her a drink
1:45 wake the perfectly, content, way-to-sleepy child who doesn't know I am trying to get her to drink and give her a drink and her medicine because if I don't stop doing this now.... I'm gonna die!
2am head to bed, set the alarm clock for 4am to give her the over the counter pain med, and pass out.
4:45 oops... forgot to turn the alarm clock to "on", but fortunately woken by the dog crying her fool head off because, guess what, she is afraid of the thunder and lighting! Jim gets out of bed to comfort the dog (ie let her out of the cage so she can be with Kyle), and I say "oh, good... I can go back to sleep...hmmm, wonder what time it is...look...YIKES...later than I wanted. Jump out of bed, wake the perfectly, content, way-to-sleepy child who doesn't know I am trying to get her to drink, give her a drink and her medicine. Gate the dog in Kyle's room as she is going to spend the test of the night there and happily go back to bed, but set the alarm (making sure it is in the "on" position) and pass out.
7am wake the perfectly, content, way-to-sleepy child who doesn't know I am trying to get her to drink, give her a drink
7:30am wake the perfectly, content, way-to-sleepy child who doesn't know I am trying to get her to drink, give her a drink
8am wake the perfectly, content, way-to-sleepy child who doesn't know I am trying to get her to drink, give her a drink................decided to leave her alone for a whole hour!
9am wake the child again and make her drink again...but this time she stays up. She did state that this morning she felt much better than any other day so far!

So, the rest of the morning I pretty much say, Did you drink it? You need to drink. Drink until you get to this spot. Did you drink it? Is that glass finished yet? You need to drink. You probably get the idea...

I don't know when the doctor's office is going to call... but I can happily tell them. She has had 26 ounces of liquid since last night at 7pm!! Just to give you an idea, on her best day since the surgery, she probably got in 10 ounces all day.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Oh No

2 am medicine time: I got her medicine and the watermelon and headed to her room. I gently woke her and in the smallest, sleepy-ist, most sincere voice, I heard, "oh no". I just love her honesty! Only two and a half more hours until I wake her again...should be interesting. :)

Monday, August 20, 2007

Up and Down

Well, that is the best way to describe Beth. Yesterday was all bad until about 9 something and then she seemed like she was doing very well. This morning she woke up again feeling bad and complained she feels nauseous again. She is hardly drinking and doesn't even want the watermelon. I am trying to get her medicine in her, and she took it after much coaxing and then got sick. It is now time to for the antibiotic... and well, what do ya do?

The best way to describe Beth... a roller coaster!

She is enjoying her time with the wonderful gifts she was given...I don't think she has many pages left in her Polly book!


Onthis day in 1911, a dispatcher in the New York Times office sendsthe first telegram around the world via commercial service. The Times decided to send its 1911 telegram in order to determine how fast a commercial message could be sent around the world by telegraphcable. The message, reading simply "This message sent around theworld," left the dispatch room on the 17th floor of the Times buildingin New York at 7 p.m. on August 20. After it traveled more than 28,000miles, being relayed by 16 different operators, through San Francisco,the Philippines, Hong Kong, Saigon, Singapore, Bombay, Malta, Lisbonand the Azores--among other locations--the reply was received by thesame operator 16.5 minutes later. It was the fastest time achieved bya commercial cablegram since the opening of the Pacific cable in 1900by the Commercial Cable Company.

The Answer is...WATERMELON!!

Okay, if that is the answer...what is the question?

What do you give a child who just had their tonsils out, who doesn't want to drink anything, chase the medicine with and to eat?

It was a revelation about 9pm last night. Medicine time has been a big complaint because it was "burning" after she was done talking it and therefore causing her more pain and wanting to not have the medicine. I started cutting the watermelon last night because I finally thought, that should be soft, has lots of liquid, and is like eating which is what she wants. I brought her a small bowl of tiny watermelon pieces and she smiled like I gave her a million dollars! She finished it and asked for more. About 30 minutes later it was time for the dreaded medicine and I was thinking as I was cleaning up the watermelon mess...the reason the medicine probably "burns" is because she is not taking a big ole drink to wash it down with! So, the time comes for the medicine, she complains, and I tell her the new plan. Reluctantly, she agrees. She took all the medicine in one drink (something that has taken many little sips before) and started eating the watermelon. A few minutes later, she proclaimed that was the best time of taking medicine yet!

Hooray!! Thank you God!

So, what do you give a child who just had their tonsils out, who doesn't want to drink anything, chase the medicine with and to eat? The answer is watermelon!
P.S. It was time for medicine at 3am, that is why I am awake.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

This morning I woke Beth up about 8; she opened her eyes, propped up on her elbow as I asked how she was feeling. I noticed her eyes were glossy and red when they were opened really wide as she tried to swallow. Needless to say, she replied she was feeling really bad. She is still sleeping now, but I will have to wake her up about 10 to give her some pain medicine. That is the worst...I hate to wake her up, but if I don't I know she will be miserable!! I miss being at church already.

Beth was very encouraged by all the flowers, gifts, and phone calls from Friday and Saturday. Thank you all for being so wonderful! We love you.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Beth's Recovery

LAST NIGHT: Beth got home yesterday about 6pm after her surgery. We had to stay a little longer because she was having problems keeping the liquids down and as soon as they gave her the pain medicine... well, lets just say that was the "last straw". She got an extra bag of saline through her IV because the nurse didn't want to send her home starting to get dehydrated. She had a few more times of getting ill last night, the last being around 10:30. She slept through the night without any problems.

TODAY: She just had some more pain medicine and is resting comfortably, or so it seems. She did tell me in the brief time that she was awake this morning (about 5 minutes) that she feels worse today. She basically will be on a soft diet for 12 days, so I hope that is not a big struggle for her. Last night she kept telling us she wanted soup because she was hungry. If anyone has non-dairy ideas for "soft" meals, I would appreciate it. I was really surprised while looking for things for her to eat, just how many "soft" dairy products there are. I certainly don't want to complicate her recovery with throwing her allergy on top of it!

Thank you all for your prayers; we greatly appreciate them. She has been handling everything really well, thanks to God. I know He is watching over her and she will get through this recovery great even if there a few rough spots.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Tomorrow is the Big Day

Beth read this book the other day and thought it was good. We have been talking about this little girl from the book for two days now... it actually seems like a pretty good way to introduce what is going to happen.
Beth is schedule for her surgery at 1:45 at SCH. We have to be there at 12:45. The Smith's are going to watch Kyle tomorrow, which is nice they are so near to the hospital. Thanks!
Right now, Beth is eating pretzels, basically because she can. I took a pretzel and she looked at me like I had three heads and said, "you can munch and munch and munch until we get to the hospital". Guess she didn't want to share ;) My little ball of energy isn't sleepy tonight and wants to get as much food in her little body as possible before midnight! She can have water only up until 10am and that is it until after the surgery.
I am SO grateful for all your prayers. Thank you!! I know that she has a great, big, wonderful God watching over her. I will post her status tomorrow or Saturday.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The 30 Minute Skirt

This is my 30 minute skirt. The reason it took so long was because I was having sewing machine issues...otherwise it would have been a 15 minutes skirt!!! The secret? It is a pillowcase. I recently heard someone say this and I thought it was worth a try. Beth is growing like a weed, so I will try anything! I have to say, I was pleased with the results, so now I am going to have to look for some nice pillowcases. If anyone has a stray send it my way!

The Next Haggie and Baggie???

Page and Georgia came over today and the girls were doing skits. Well, actually Page was the wardrobe and accessory department and Georgia and Beth did the skits. Georgia being a good sport, allowed a photo; Beth said no pictures because she didn't want an "ugly" photo..... They were rather funny and I think I can see two little ladies growing up to do skits for church!

Sunday, August 12, 2007


I am so excited that Beth surrender to God's will for her life. There is a little bit of a story behind it and thought you would enjoy it.

When Beth went to Camp Maverick, she heard God speaking about surrendering. She, being like most of us, was trying to ignore Him. She told us nothing of this.

Next came the Sizzling Summer Services. On Tuesday night I talked with the kids about what God told me and asked it they wanted to share what God showed them. Kyle said, nothing specific. Beth on the other hand sheepishly said, "...kinda...I don't know...".

As I was tucking her into bed several minutes after the above conversation. We had one of those talks. Every once in a while, I go to tuck her in and kiss her goodnight and spend 30 or more minutes talking about whatever she brings up and ends up in a big discussion of God. I actually love those nights. Anyway, we talked about her wanting to surrender to God and that is when she told me the story about Camp Maverick. I told her, that most people have the desire to "run" rather than submit. I then acted out God trying to talk to us and we know it, but still are trying to swat Him off like a bee. She of course thought that was funny and realized that people go through that, even her Mom. We prayed that night together asking for forgiveness for not listen right away and then she surrendered. We were planning on walking the aisle on the 5th, but we ended up doing that tonight instead.

I am so glad that my little girl has such a heart to serve God and that I am allowed to share such special times in her life!
I am so proud of you Beth! Thank you God for working so much in our lives!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Piano Is Hard

For the past few days Beth has been playing with our keyboard. Today she announced she wanted to really learn how to play it. We purchased a book and CD last year, so we pulled it out. She just spent the last 30 or so minutes watching and practicing. She actually played "Mary Had A Little Lamb" rather well.

Anyway, she just came in the office and said, "Piano is hard!"

I told her, "It is hard but that is why you need to practice; even Ms. Trish still practices".

"Why? She already know it all!"

So, there you have it, Trish... stop practicing so much! You already know everything you need to know!! :)

Isn't it funny how we see that someone can do something and think that they don't have to work at it. So many time we take the talent and HARD work people do for granted. I want to say a
for working so hard all the time to make our services filled with music.. how many songs do you do each week???

I appreciate you very much and you sound great on the piano.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Date Night

Tonight Jim and I had our date night. I know I missed Cheryl's party, but if I skipped date night tonight it would be 3 weeks without my date time with Jim... I am silly about a lot of stuff, but losing date night is not something I am willing to do!

Tonight we went to George's and shared a Gyros platter; Jim get all the extra goodies that come with it but he usually gives me the olives... yummy!! After that we went shopping for sandals for Jim which took a long time. While we were looking we found some nice ones for Kyle also. And being that he wears the same size shoe as I do right now, it was easy to see it they would fit. So, both of the men got new sandals. After that we stopped at Baskin Robbins/Dunkin Donuts and got a yummy fruit blast (again) and Jim got his usual iced coffee.

Simple times, but it is nice to be together alone.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Well, there really isn't much to tell for the past couple of days. The kids and I started a new cleaning schedule, and it is working nicely and we have gone swimming each day. Tonight was really great with the men from Bob Jones.

Oh, I did talk to a lady from Thomas Nelson Publishers today as the Bibles that I have should be KJV, but actually have many words that aren't. So, they are going to send me a new Bible and I should have it next week. The lady I spoke with said they have no idea why the misprint happened and they sent it to be corrected. Unfortunately, I didn't have the other errors marked, so I couldn't tell them where I had found the other ones!

Well, I need to read with the kids and head to bed. Good night all.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Family Night Lazer Tag

Tonight we went to Brunswick to play laser tag!

The kids got coupons buy one game get one free from the library reading program, so we decided to do that. On our first game we played with two other people and the second game we played by ourselves. We had a blast!! We all had different names, Jim was Luigi, I was Ice Man, Kyle was Viper, and Beth was Double G. Believe it or not... I came in first place on the second game!! WOOHOO!!!!

Sunday, August 5, 2007


I just have to say I really love church.

It is so wonderful that we have a great man of God leading us and teaching us how to stay focused on God. Julie's Sunday School class has been awesome and really eye opening! We have so many people that work on helping others every week and others who help often.

I just wanted to say THANK YOU to everyone who is part of Grace Baptist. I love my church and I am so blessed to be part of it!

Friday, August 3, 2007

This and That

We did lots of running today. When we headed out the door I was planning on going to Wal-mart and then go get the dog's nails clipped and that was it. We did that , but we also stopped at 5 garage sales, and 2 stores so Kyle could get an air-soft gun (the first store didn't have any), Baskin-Robbins/Dunkin Donut (we were all very thirsty by that point as it was after 1pm and they have the BEST fruit blasts!). After all that we came home and made dinner for our neighbors who just had a beautiful baby girl on Sunday, then to the library and back home to clean the kitchen before Daddy saw our big mess from cooking and shopping. And after all that I got to relax with Jim, cuz after all, it is Friday. I sure appreciate the fact that my husband is so faithful to our date time. It is such a blessing and needed break from everything else.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

My Sweet Young Man

Alternate Title: The good thing about a bad cold.

Since that title seems contrary... what could be good about a cold?.. I opted for the one I put. It started with a sore throat on Monday night, noticeable but not good. Tuesday was pretty much the same thing. Wednesday...that is when it hit me. I have been feeling rather bad to really bad since then. Yesterday I took a nap for an hour and a half, got up, made dinner and went to church. I really didn't feel like going and I felt worse as time went on. (of course, I am glad I did go and the message was great) We left just a few minutes after service ended and I came home, took some night time cold medicine, and went to bed. I woke up to many times to count during the night. At 7 this morning I decided to get up and get more night time cold medicine and go back to sleep, and that I did until 10:30. I probably would have slept longer, but someone little was waking me up. So, I got up and sat in a chair.

This is the good part: Kyle asked me how I was feeling as soon as he saw me and about thirty minutes later he was "posting" signs for his "restaurant". This is the third time he has done it, and I have to say I really, REALLY love it! I get to sit around, he asks me what I want to eat.. anything is good as long as it is in the house and he can make it :) Today's breakfast was rather easy with scrambled eggs and orange juice. I might see if the restaurant is open later for some soup too!

So, the entire reason for my post is just because Kyle is such a sweet young man, and he is such a blessing to me. I am glad God gave me such a caring, tenderhearted child. He is usually thoughtful, but when I am sick he goes the extra mile.

P.S. Julie, in case you were thinking it, no you can't have him :)