Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Scheduled For Sugery

Well, we had the appointment with the ENT, and I am not surprised by the fact she is going to have surgery (we already went through this with Kyle several years ago), but I was surprised that she took it so well. They took us to a little "room" to watch a movie about having the surgery and that is when she looked at me and said, "they are gonna have to cut them out?". She just sat quietly watching with an occasional question for me. Her main concern was not being able to go to Emily's birthday party! The surgery is scheduled for Friday, August 17th.

She has to have a physical about a week before the surgery and the hospital will call us on the 16th to tell us the time we need to be at the hospital. The only thing we know is that Dr. Gartlan does it in the afternoon, so the earliest we would have to be there should be about 10:30.


Anonymous said...

I hope this will solve Beth's strep issues. You will all be in our prayers.

Kim said...

I'm sorry to hear about Beth, but I hope this sugery solves her problems.

Anonymous said...

I will be praying that Beth does well and the surgery ends her problem with strep.

Kris's Korner said...

We will be praying for Beth.