Thursday, May 31, 2007

Beth and Testing

Well, I couldn't think about what to tell you today... we were doing our weekly shopping today and we didn't get home until about 6... we spent a long time in a couple of stores, one of which was Border's. My brother and his wife got Kyle a gift card when he broke his arm, and we finally got out there to spend it. (We tried the Border's Express in the mall before, and he didn't find anything)

Anyway, as I was reading the blogs, Kris' post made me remember something I never wrote.
Last week after the homeschool meeting Beth asked us how it was.... isn't that just like her :) Well, I told her it was good. She asked what we talked about, I told her and mentioned the testing. Her eyes got really big and sparkled and she had a smile from ear to ear. Then I had to say... don't get excited... you are not testing. Her face changed as fast as light to dark with the flip of a switch!! She immediately asked why she wasn't able to test, and I told her we decided to test every other year. She looked at me with a sad face, and said, "I can't test for a whole year!?". It was a very sad but terribly cute thing.

I am so amazed by her wonderful love of learning. I am also grateful to Pastor and Julie for taking so much time with my kids. It is such a blessing knowing that we are not training our children alone. Beth still talks about when she got to be with Pastor and how much fun testing was!!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Happy Birthday Kyle!!!

We love you!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Today I got up late! I was really tired from all the work we did over the weekend. After I got up I spend a couple hours studing my Bible... it was wonderful. We did a little cleaning, I read a book while the kids went swimming, and we watched Anne of Avonlea (well only part, I didn't realize how long it was).

One of the best things that happened today was Kyle finished school!

Monday, May 28, 2007

Painting The Back Deck

Today Jim and I finished the back deck. We love it!! Makes it look like a different house...

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Pastor's Birthday Continues...

The Sunday school classes giving their gifts.

The cleaning ministry giving an item from each person, since Pastor's birthday did not fall on a Sunday.
Pastor had so many snacks that he shared them with the church with a fellowship after service. Thanks Pastor!

Saturday, May 26, 2007


Pictures from our WONERFUL trip to Cantigny yesterday. Thanks Gina!!!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Today was just an average day: Beth and I went to many stores today, Kyle and I worked on his report for L.A., we went to the Library, came home, and then did our chores. It was a busy day but a very productive day as well. As soon as Kyle gets his report typed he will be finished with school!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Happy Un-birthday Page

Tonight at Master's Club we celebrated Page's birthday! Today, nor anytime this month is Page having a birthday, that is why it was her un-birthday. For each of the girls, in our group, we made chocolate cupcakes on or near their birthday, since Page isn't having a birthday until Master's Club is over, we celebrated it tonight. So.....
Happy Un-birthday Page!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Kyle finished his Math for the year today!!!
I am so proud of him. This has been our best year yet!

Monday, May 21, 2007


Today Kyle had his doctor appointment at 8:40 this morning.
He is showing signs of healing and should be out of the sling in 2 weeks. God is really amazing the way he makes the body heal. We saw the x-rays and even though the bones are not aligned, they are growing together. I could see a "cloudy" area right by the break. Thanks for all the prayers! God is AWESOME!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Teen Rally Pics

I was trying to get this on a different way, but I couldn't figure it out... so I just did it this way. The Youth Rally was AWESOME!!!

More Teen Rally Pics

More Teen Rally Pics

Friday, May 18, 2007

So Much To Tell

The day started with Bible study. It was a wonderful lesson, and if you didn't make it; read it! We celebrated Ms. Fran's 88th birthday also today; what a blessing she is! After Bible study the clean up team did a wonderful job and then Jayne and I worked on the tables for the Youth Rally. (Thanks to all the men who helped move the un-needed items out) The job went really quickly and I so appreciate Jayne's help.

This picture is of Pastor trying to get Angelina to stop crying while Rachel was cleaning up and getting items out of her car for Sunday. She didn't quite smile, but she was much happier.

After that, I went home and cleaned up the house and the kids went to Jayne's. A bit later I had to go to CVS and McDonald's (they donated the sauces for tomorrow) and I went to Jayne's. We walked around the yard looking at all her flowers and talking, and of course, I had to get a picture of the bird's nest we have all heard so much about!! I stayed for about 2 hours and then off home for Beth to make the brownies she signed up to bring for the Youth Rally.... isn't that awesome!

She heard me talking to one of the ladies on Sunday about the brownies and she said, "I want to make some". I told her I already had my name on the list, but she said, "No, I want to make them myself, not yours". I feel so blessed that she has a servants heart! This sweet little girl makes me see what Paul is talking about in Philippians 4:8, among many other verses
Jim got home as the brownies were cooking so we waited a few minutes before we headed out the door for date night. We ran to Ace to get some things for the Youth Rally and then had dinner at George's Restaurant.. we go there often. Finally, we headed to the church so we could work on a few thing... again, for the Youth Rally. The place looks GREAT!! I am SO excited. I am off to bed so I will be ready for..... yep.... the YOUTH RALLY!! Sorry, no picture of that...yet :D

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Daily Life

I was working at the computer today and I hear these tiles being sorted through... a little bit later I walked in the kitchen to see this waiting for me. I love how much Kyle shows he loves me; he is so tenderhearted.
I just had to show you what opened up today!! I LOVE my peonies.
Beth is bird watching to see if any birds come to our new feeder that we just put in the tree. (nothing yet.. but I bet once the little birds know there is food here, we will see them)
A surprise shot of Kyle

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Crazy Hat Day

Tonight was crazy hat day at Master's Club!

Yes, he knew it was going to be blogged!
Angelina has nothing to do with crazy hats, but she is so cute!