Monday, April 30, 2007

Early Birthday Celebration

Tonight we celebrated Jim's birthday! We had to stay at home because Beth isn't feeling well, so we cooked steak on the grill. We of course had birthday cake also. As it is our "family night", we spent some time working on our cars for the annual Pinewood Derby. Monday nights go so fast!

UPDATE: Beth went to the doctor Tuesday morning and has strep again. She is feeling really miserable still (since yesterday about 3pm) but she has medicine now, so she should be feeling better soon.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Soul Winning, Church, and Deck Repair
We all went soul winning today; the kids were with their Sunday School teachers, so Jim and I got to be together. After that the kids went with Jayne, I came home and worked on my Sunday School lesson and two announcements, and Jim worked at the church. After Jim was done at the church he went to get some wood. We are working on the back deck. The lower lattice needs repair and we are changing the upper lattice to balusters. It looks great so far. It was really nice because Jim and I worked together. He, of course, did most of the work; but I helped remove the lattice, measure, start the screws, held the balusters in place, handed him stuff, and helped clean up. As I am getting older, I really enjoy the time that we have together more and more. Today was a really good day full of hard work, but it is such a joy to know that we did it together and I really was a help meet to him today. Isn't it a wonderful feeling when we are in our roles.
And Jayne and Jeff invited us over for dinner, which was really great because I wasn't working on that as I was outside! Thanks Jayne.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Today Beth started her bookwork early around 7:45. Jayne called me later and at 8:18, Beth handed me a note that said, "Mommy, it is 8:18 and I need help". She cracks me up with the time thing as many of you have heard....

We started our day normally and Kyle finished everything he had to do in less than 2 hours, that is a blessing. I often find myself wondering how we can ever get everything accomplished in our day... and days like this are refreshing. I told the kids we only have 2 official weeks of Konos left. I think we will be going places to see birds after this, but I am hoping they don't really notice it is school :)

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Terrific Tuesday

The kids and I did out Konos outside today... we were looking for birds! They both enjoyed it and were so excited to look through the binoculars to see what they could see. We saw several robins, a couple sparrows, some doves (at least we think they were), and a blue jay that came flying past like you wouldn't believe. It is hard to believe that our school year is coming to an end. We should be completely done by May 24th if everything goes according to plan.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Kyle's Doctor Visit

I will try to give this to you as best I can....

The doctor walked in, introduced himself, ask how it happened (even though we told them already, wrote it already, and the assistant re-wrote it).

Doctor, "He broke it. Keep the sling on for 4 weeks a least. I will see him in 2 weeks".

That's all.

Hope I didn't go too fast for anyone.....

Yea, really, it happened just like that.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

This Week In Review

Well, as you can tell, blogging has not been top priority this week. It has been a crazy week; not that everything was bad, but it was just not "normal".

We had Chris and Emily Sunday thru Wednesday and that kept us pretty busy. I often wonder how families with so many children do their home schooling, and I still do. Trying to help 4 of them kept me moving from one room to another to assist.

Tuesday we had to go to the dentist and after that we went to the library to vote and return a few items. I have so many books right now, it is absolutely ridiculous! I still have two back packs full to return today!!

Wednesday was basically normal after the kids were picked up by Milan about 4:30 with church activities.

Thursday started as a normal day, but my brain was done. We sat down to do our bookwork, and I couldn't see straight, and couldn't focus at all. We did our devotion and I voted for bed. So, about 11:30 Kyle woke me up and I got ready to go to the store. (I knew I wouldn't have time on Friday with all the things planned..little did I know that would all change) After the shopping, I realized I had nothing for next weeks Konos, so we went back to the library and I worked out a plan. We will be studying birds for the next couple weeks.

That leads us to Friday..... started out normal; got up and ready for Bible study, headed out the door, got to fellowship, and started enjoying the lesson. I was really clueless why Pastor asked me to get my stuff.... Well, the long story short is Kyle has a broken collar bone. He has a splint, immobilizer, and pain meds. Nothing can really be done for this bone except give it time to heal. We do have an appt. with an orthopedic doctor on Monday at 1, so we will see what happens then.

Today we will be stopping at the library (again), going to my sisters, and then home. I am hoping to get some things done this afternoon, but we will see how things go.

Oh, and the dog. Honestly, she has been pretty good this week and it learning her boundaries. Someone forgot to close Kyle's bedroom door yesterday, so while she was squirrel watching, she "ate" some more of the blanket and sheet.....

Thank you to everyone who has prayed, called, and emailed about Kyle. We sincerely appreciate your concern. A big thanks to Cheryl O. for picking up Beth from the hospital to go salamander hunting (that's another story). She even brought us some bananas while we were waiting in the ER! Thanks to Jayne for letting Boston out, so we didn't have any surprises to come home to. We are truly blessed with a wonderful, loving church family.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Guess What I Ordered!!

Yes, I placed my order yesterday!! I am so excited I can hardly stand it. Bit by bit I am getting information and soon I will have "my" bedroom. I got this beautiful comforter set at if you are interested... the comforter was only 26.99 (on sale)!
Isn't my husband the GREATEST!!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Do You Like Having A Dog?

This is the question I asked Beth today.

Her reply was, "Kinda".

I asked, "Kinda, what part would that be"?

She said, "The good part".

After a minute that response got the best of me and I asked, "What is the good part"?

She made a noise that basically was "I have no idea"

On a good note, Boston has been very good today. She is learning already to stay when the door is open, to allow us to wipe her paws when she comes in, has had no accidents today (yet), and she as far as I can tell, did not dig up my lilac bush. She was very good with all the kids today as well, most of the time she was outside because they were VERY distracted by her... anything to get out of bookwork! All the kids did well with doing their bookwork, although it took longer... can't imagine why.... but that was a big answer to prayer for me. Thanks God!

By the way... this all really happened on Monday even though the date says Sunday.

Friday, April 13, 2007

The Bad and The Good

Isn't that life? You have to have both. Bad is just bad, but without it, we wouldn't know good. Without bad things, we don't appreciate the good things. So, with that said....

Here is the bad. That dog was digging (AGAIN) in my flower bed. Now I realize it isn't much to look at right now, but later it will be beautiful... if there is anything left!!!

Go forward in time not five minutes.... how cute is this??!!!!
"Rotten"dog has everybody's heart!!

A Wonderful Book

Recently I asked Julie for a book on prayer, of course she has one... So, if anyone out there is interested in a wonderful book on prayer, consider this one, "Exploring Prayer with Jack Hyles". I am only on chapter 14, but I think it is great. just in case anyone is interested here is the website

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Another Dog Story

We kept Boston on a chain as we don't trust her being out by herself. Kyle took her out this evening after Master's Club and he was gone a long time, so I finally checked on them. Seems she saw something on the other side of the fence... yep, even on the leash, she jumped it!! So, poor Kyle is standing there not knowing what to do because Boston is on one side of the fence and he is on the other and he knows if the lets the leash go, she will be gone. Jim went out and picked her up and brought her back over the fence. Kyle got ready for bed and I made him some hot chocolate. On a good note, Boston is getting really good about me drying her paws... she hates her paws touched.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Look Who Is Back....

Well, I have some news.... Boston is now our dog! I know.. I told you I didn't want a dog, but here is the deal. Jeremy and Sabrina love her, but it is just way to hard with Conner and where they are living. Jim LOVES Boston! After the last visit with us, I said to Jim, I can't believe you want a dog. He replied, "I don't want a dog, I want THAT dog". Huh? What? You know my feelings on that... Anyway, I could tell it was coming, Jim and Jeremy were talking, and the kids love her, and I was the only one that really liked her, but mostly after she left. So, since my husband never requests much, honestly; I just couldn't be the reason he didn't have the dog he wanted.
Jim picked her up last night and brought her here about 7pm. The kids were just looking at her and asked why she was here. (Later Kyle said he didn't remember Jeremy and Sabrina needed us to watch her while they were out of town... how cute!) It took about 1 minute until they understood she was ours and jumped up and down. She took her usual place in Kyle's room, just like she never left.
Today, she heard my alarm go off at 6am... funny thing about that is, I heard it to, but thought "I don't want to get up", so I hit the snooze button and laid there for about....30 seconds... when what do I hear, but Boston at my door making sure I heard my alarm by gently scratching the door, whining and followed up by 2 barks.... I got up, but I didn't like it! I sent her out the door and apparently she didn't visit with us long enough and was back in the house within 10 minutes! Not long after Jim went for his morning walk with John, and Boston was nuts! How could he leave her here! She didn't know where to run to get the best view and try to convince him to take her with.
Fast forward to noon. Jeremy stopped by just to make sure she was okay and stayed to play with her for a few minutes. Oh, and while he was here, he directed Boston to a little squirrel by a tree. Boston took off and nipped the little fellow and then stalked it for a while. One of the little squirrels friend stopped by and thought that Boston was a bit much for it, and left. So did Boston. Yep, she jumped right over the fence from about 3 feet away. She almost had that little guy for lunch. Fortunately, Jeremy jumped the fence and dropped her back over.
Fast forward to 8pm. (We were at the Prodehl's house all afternoon, so the boys could finish there science fair project.) Anyway, we come home and let the dog out. Do a little bit more reading for our brief study on the Panama Canal and go check on the dog. Dog? hmmm I know there was a dog in our backyard..... oh, yes, there she is on the other side of the fence! Now that we see her, she decides she doesn't want to be all that close to us, so walks away... little stinker. Kyle jumps the fence, I go around the block and we meet on the other side.... Does this sound familiar to anyone??? We tell her she is bad and goes about her business like nothing has happen. That's where our stories end for today. The kids are in bed, I am at the desk, and Boston, who knows... maybe eating socks, garbage picking, or hopefully resting!
I think maybe my blog name might need to be changed to Me-N-My 3 and My Crazy Dog!! Thanks Sabrina!!! :D

Monday, April 9, 2007







lessons, always something to Learn

library, I couldn't do my teaching without ours

love, so many people are in my life that I love

leaders, if we were all leaders the world would be a mess!!


lyrics... I love good Christian music

laughs... Many when I am with my best friend Jayne.

Lockport.. because that is where the BEST CHURCH IN THE WORLD is!! (Isn't that convenient?)


Lerisse Family... missionaries to Haiti. We had time with them at our house when they were on deputation at our church!

listening... when other listen to me and I get to listen to them

That's all I can think of....

Have a great day!

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Easter Day

Kyle's prize for finding the red egg during the Easter egg hunt.
They had a really good time as always.

A science fair preview....
The Wonderfully Made group with chimes.
They did a great job!

Our "at home" Easter egg hunt. This has been a tradition at our house since Kyle was 11 months old and the kids love it!

Friday, April 6, 2007

Easter Eggs

Tonight we worked on our Easter Eggs! We made 4 dozen because it is fun (3 dozen are for the church, we couldn't eat that many!!) We tried some new types of dye and we really enjoyed it. Here are some pictures.....

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

The Letter D

Dogs... when they visit for a short amount of time.


Dear Friends... I know that is a cheat, but I couldn't make it without my friends


Doughnuts.. chocolate!

Dark chocolate... yummy Hershey's kisses!!!!



Defeated.... the Defeated Devil

Christ's Deity!

Drawings... I love pictures my kids give me

Desk... so this computer is at a comfortable place




Digital camera!! I love mine

Monday, April 2, 2007

Spring Conference

Good Morning!!

I am so excited this morning I can hardly stand it!! Do we really have to wait until 7 tonight!?
I just know that God will be there tonight and tomorrow... I love church. I love God.
This is gonna be GREAT!!!