Thursday, March 29, 2007

Sick kid

Well, today didn't go as planned. Beth woke up at 6:02 (yes, she told me when she woke me up) and complained that her throat hurt. I being sound asleep did what anyone would do, I told her to get a drink and go back to bed. She said, "But it really hurts". I told her I would get her a cold/sore throat pop as soon as I got up.... trouble is, I didn't drag myself out of bed until 8! So, she told Daddy the story... he loved the 6:02 part.... and he asked if it would be okay if he gave it to her. Boy! Was she excited! So, after I got up finally and hear Julie's blog talking to me about doing what we should do, I confessed and checked on Beth. She looked gross. I took her temp. and it was 100.2; not so bad but she as I said looked gross and I could tell her was dragging. It also was very helpful that she repetitively told me how terrible she felt. She started reading this book, "Strep Throat"; Kyle picked it up from the library on Monday just to be funny... Anyway, so she is looking at this book and sees that if left untreated you could get a flesh eating skin thing, and she started asking about that.... can you picture this? Yes, I am sure you can if you know Beth. After I reassured her that she didn't have that and wouldn't have that today, she wanted to know what would happen if she had to go to the hospital.... Well, this went on for a little then I put her Curious George DVD in! So, fast-forward to 1:30. Jayne called and asked me to get something for her, so I go downstairs and there is water everywhere by the furnace and it is dripping out of this box that is attached to the furnace. I call Jim, simple solution, done. Okay, it is now 1:45 I can't find what I am looking for, Beth is not dressed to go out, Kyle needs to be dropped off at Jayne's and we have to be at the doctor's office in one hour. I get Beth dressed, do some things myself and tell Beth to get her shoes on. Kyle comes to me about 1 minute later and says, "Beth needs you". Hmmmm, well, I am busy and can't go to her, so she comes to me. She is dying... she plops on the ground and says, I hurt, I can't breathe, cough, cough, sticking out tongue, whine, whine, and I really can't breathe! Drama! Now, I am thinking of Gina... and that is a whole different story. So, it all ends with us tossing Kyle out of the van at Jayne's and we managed to get to the doctor's office 10 minutes early! After waiting for about an hour, he checked her and yep.. you guessed it... my little darling has strep again. But the strangest thing is.. I didn't really think she would have it because; she NEVER has a sore throat! No, not even with strep! We stopped to get the medicine, we are back at home, and she is quietly reading her books that she got from the library yesterday.


Mrs. Julie Fink said...

I'm so sorry that Beth is sick!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you were able to get Beth into the doctor and that she has the meds now. Must be something about basements today. said...

Poor Bethie... I betcha she's gonna have those tonsils taken out one of these days. ARGHH!

Kris's Korner said...

I hope Beth is feeling better soon. I'm with Javagirl, you may have to get the tonsils out. ARGHH!!

Anonymous said...

I hope Beth feels better quickly, I'll be praying for her.