Monday, March 26, 2007

The Letter "G"

God... thank you for everything

gorillas... they are amazing

garage sales... lots of good bargains

garlic... keeps me from getting sick! It really works...

gems... they are beautiful

girls... I am blessed with a wonderful daughter and many good friends

gray... because it make me appreciate the nice bright colors

guys... I have two very special guys. Jim treats me like a queen and Kyle is learning from him!

grapes... yummy

grass... love the smell after is has been cut

Grace Baptist... such a blessing and one I never thought I would know just 5 years ago

Grandma and Grandpa... mine are gone, but Kyle and Beth get to enjoys theirs; and I have wonderful memories.

giraffe... they are neat to look at

grizzly bears... I love bears no matter what kind

gibbons... they are funny little monkeys, and you can talk to them... right Jayne!


Anonymous said...

Oh my...and can you talk to them :))))

Kris's Korner said...

Very nice list. I'm glad your back. I missed you

Kim said...

I like how you listed the animals
i thought about it, but didn't.

Beth said...

gibbons,oh my it is so funny!

Mrs. Julie Fink said...

I want to know more about talking to gibbons :)!

Debbie said...

If you make monkey sounds to them they will do it right back, as long as they are feeling like it. When Jayne and I went to Brookfield Zoo last summer they were LOUD, very LOUD. When I went to Tenn. to see my Mom and her husband, we saw them there too and I made the noise and they were doing it right back. It was really fun!

Mrs Karen G said...

Great list, wow, learn new things here too, HUGS

Trish said...

Thank you for teaching us how to speak Gibbon! We'll try it out the next time we are at the zoo! Wouldn't you love to know what you were really saying to them??? LOL!

Anonymous said...

You all must have Deb do the sound for you ~ it is loud ~ very loud. She does it exactly like them.