Saturday, February 10, 2007

Valentine Banquet (part 2)

We had a great time. We appreciate how much you put into the lives of the Grace Baptist Church families. You are a blessing to all and we are grateful to you for your examples. Thank you for all your hard work.
Pastor and Julie look wonderful.
This is Jeremy getting the prize basket for the "Famous Couples" game. Hmmm I think everyone should ask him about what he got. You can't tell in this picture, but his face was really red!


Mrs. Julie Fink said...

Great pictures! I copied some of them for myself :)! Isn't it great that we get to have so much fun together doing so many different things?

Kris's Korner said...

That was lots of fun. You were so pretty. You guys make a great Mary and Joesph.

Anonymous said...

Looks like it was a very fun evening.