Tuesday, January 9, 2007

This Lady Is Trying To Kill Me

Well, today I started my aerobic exercise. And if you couldn’t tell, it was tough. I haven’t done anything like this for quite some time. (No kidding). I got thru the warm-up and into the aerobic section and got about half way thru before I announced to the lady on TV that she was crazy, and I couldn’t do one more “grapevine”. So, I did what any totally committed person would do, I skipped ahead to the cool-down. Hey, I at least did something. After that I realized there was more on the tape… there are three workouts on this DVD. I thought I can certainly do some of the floor work, after all I have been doing that off and on and off… for a while now. Okay, I am a wimp! I got thru it, but I didn’t keep up with them…. After all, they have been working out for a long time compared to me!! All joking aside I am glad I did it and I am going to keep doing something like the DVD, treadmill, or weights.

So, I have to tell you. We got up on time today and have already had breakfast, exercised, cleaned the kitchen and bathroom, each had personal devotion time, showers and are onto the next thing. I think this time slot will be my new blog time. I can’t stay up so late if I am gonna try to roll out of bed at 6:30.

On another subject, I was reminded again of how much I don’t want a dog. I am still sweeping up dog hair! How many times do you have to sweep before this stuff goes away!!
Well, off to start our bookwork. As of right now, my plan with our schedule is working great! Have a wonderful day!!


Anonymous said...

You are too funny! Didn't you know that all of THEM on the tapes were CRAZY before you started? I did, I can't keep up at all. To answer your dog question~~~NEVER!!! Seriously, never.... I'm glad that you have a new schedule and that it seems to be working for all of you.

Mrs. Julie Fink said...

I LOVE it! One more, two more, and if the exercise instructor says it one more time you are going to shoot her and her perfectly shaped self. Glad your schedule is working. Looking forward to seeing you later on today.

Debbie said...

Oh.. I know, but there was a time when I did this A LOT and was that person.... how times have changed. The goal is not to stop before they kill me.

Anonymous said...

Keep on keeping on! How about the ab roller? It is almost as much fun as the tapes - the problem is you won't know until the day after you do too many. ;)

sabrina said...
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sabrina said...

you'll probably be finding hair for a little while longer. Boston told me she hid some around the house when you weren't looking so you would have something to remember her by. =)

Trish said...

Exercise at home in front of the TV is the BEST!!!! But mine is a little different. Its the kind where you sit on the couch and first you do the right hand lifts -it helps to have popcorn in the hand, the extra weight is a more effective method. Then the left hand lifts the glass of diet coke. Repeat with alternating hands until the popcorn is gone. As for those exercise ladies...if they only knew what we did to them with our remote controls!!! Ha!

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