Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Christmas Break

We finished school today!

Our Indian unit ended by making a data sheet to compare all the tribes we looked at. We might still make a pueblo during break, but that will be fun, so they won't mind. I know both kids are excited the break has begun, but I think I might be even more excited. My plan is to do nothing for school except plan out what we will be working on next in detail (which I will do tomorrow) and then order books from libraries, if I even need to do that.

And, just to get things more in the spirit of Christmas, I plan on wrapping the kids gifts tonight and I will put them under the tree too. That will be a first for our house.... bet they will LOVE it!


Anonymous said...

Yeah! Time for Christmas - how fun!

Mrs. Julie Fink said...

Hip Hip Hooray for vacation!

Debbie said...

I think I needed the break more than I realized.