Sunday, December 31, 2006

Saturday Stuff

Today has been busy, again.... shocking I know. Started off with soul winning, home for lunch, back to church to organize "kitchen stuff", home for a little bit, and off to Jeff and Jayne's for our Christmas party. Our schedule this week did not allow a night to get together, so we had it tonight. Of course, we had a really good night as always. The kids played downstairs the whole time, except to get their gifts and food. I didn't get a good picture of Jayne opening her ornament, but maybe she would like to tell you about her new dolphin!

We are very blessed to have such wonderful people as our friends, but we had to leave after only 51/2 hours!!

Friday, December 29, 2006

A Happy Day

Today I was in a really good mood. Nothing special happened, but I was in the car listening to one of my favorite CD's and I just LOVE the music. I purchased a CD called, "We Stand In Awe" by the Hooker Family, when we went to the Ladies Spectacular in October and it has been much loved since then. I just get recharged when I listen to the words. There are so many good songs on it, but this one really speaks to me lately, thought the words might encourage you!

There is no problem to big God cannot solve it
There is no mountain too tall he cannot move it
There is no storm to dark God cannot calm it
There is no sorrow to deep he cannot sooth it

If he carried the weight of the world upon his shoulders
I know my brother that he will carry you
If he carried the weight of the world upon his shoulders
I know my sister that he will carry you

He said Come unto me all who are weary and I will give you rest

There is no problem to big God cannot solve it
There is no mountain too tall he cannot move it
There is no storm to dark God cannot calm it
There is no sorrow to deep he cannot sooth it

If he carried the weight of the world upon his shoulders
I know my brother that he will carry you
If he carried the weight of the world upon his shoulders
I know my sister that he will carry you

If he carried the weight of the world upon his shoulders
I know my brother that he will carry you
If he carried the weight of the world upon his shoulders
I know my sister that he will carry you

I know my brother and I know my sister that Jesus will carry you

Sometimes it is so easy to forget how wonderful God is; I am glad I had a day that I remembered so easily how wonderful He is. Every day is better with God!!

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Dog Tired

Well, we have been playing all day with Boston. She finally had to take a nap. It took 4 hours for Kyle to ask if we could keep her... Kyle almost got his room clean... seems there is something distracting him from it.. hmmm what could it be??? Beth has been very brave and playing and correcting Boston; she usually doesn't like dogs very much. I have heard the bell Boston rings to go out about 30 times today, 5 in the last few minutes (she just got back in about 20 minutes ago!) So, either she has a serious bladder problem or she is a fibber!! I am going with the second one.

I again tried to upload pictures of the kids playing with her and the painting things from yesterday, but I think my computer went on vacation. Perhaps when it gets back, I will try again. Funny it likes the dog however!!
Look! We have a dog.

Well, we don't really have a dog, we are dog-sitting. Boston has been here for about an hour and she really LOVES being outside. The kids were out with her for about an hour and I am not sure who got more worn out, but I think the dog won. She seems to be settling in just fine and so far so are we. Do you think they are going to get anything else done today?!

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Painting Day

Well, I was trying to upload pictures, but it isn't going well. Anyway, Beth and I had the day together since Kyle was still at an overnight party at his friend's house. We worked on painting today. We have been painting plaster for a few years now. I think the first time I started painting was around 1989. I have really enjoyed doing it, but find that I just don't have the time, especially at Christmas. But sometimes, I just really want do it; it is relaxing to me. I was working on a snowman candy dish today; if I keep working on it I can have it out for this season. I think it is neat how the kids are interested in painting these too and it is a nice time to do something together.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Cherished Time

Today I slept in until 8, the kids were already awake playing with the toys they got yesterday. Shortly after I got up we did our reading for “More Like The Master”. Today was a nice day. There wasn’t anything special that happened really, but it was nice to get some things done that needed to be done. While I did what I needed to do the kids had some friends over to play. Kyle is gone for the night and Jim is working late, so that left Beth and I home alone. We started our time together playing a game, then headed to the library to return some items, and as long as we were there, we got a movie. So, the two of us snuggled in the recliner and watched Tarzan 2. Of course since Daddy isn’t going to be home for a little while longer, she wants to climb in bed with me. I am such a softy, I told her she could be with me. It is times like these that I realize how precious our time together is and how fast she is growing up. I am sure she will want to talk; it is amazing the conversations we have had together when no one else is around or awake. I look forward to nights like this and I know I will cherish these days forever.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas pictures

Kyle with his Lego creature. This was a "had to have" item.
Playmobil fun!! Safari Adventure. Lots of animals, a jeep, people and a lodge. This also was a "have to have" item.
Imaginext Spinosaurs There a bunch of dinosaurs and a mountain that go with this too. (Each sold separately) :D He has been playing with ones just like them at Ryan and Bradley's house.
Aren't we cute???
The surprise gift!! This was fun. It is a compound miter saw.
He is trying to figure out how we did this since we got the camera as our gift.

Merry Christmas

I was greeted by Beth is morning at 7 with a big smile and a "Merry Christmas"! Kyle just got up a few minutes ago and headed straight for me...on the computer; and gave me a big, sleepy smile and said, "Merry Christmas". I thought I would wish everyone a Merry Christmas early. I hope to have pictures to put on later today. I already have my Christmas gift. Actually, it is a gift for Jim and I to share, a digital camera. I can't wait! Do you think I could wake up Daddy now just so I can have it! :)

Christmas Eve

As you can tell, I didn't write again yesterday.

It started off as a regular Sunday, except I was in the nursery during the Sunday School time. One of the girls is so sweet, she is finally warming up to people. As we sat there.. she came over and sat on my lap; I asked her questions, tickled her, hugged her, and thanked God for this family. This little girl has not had her Mother around basically all of her life. As we were playing with the other kids it felt wonderful that God is allowing us to be the Moms in her life.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

My Family Christmas Party

Today we went to my sisters house. Every year they go all out to make it a wonderful day for everyone.

Every year my brother in law dresses up as Santa and has everyone sing, he gives out gifts, and just acts silly. Only 3 of them believe it is Santa, but they still all get excited. I don't know who enjoys it more, the adults watching the kids or the kids watching Santa.

At dinner each year my sister sets a "popper" at everyone's seat and we have to pull it apart to see what is inside; it is kinda like a Cracker Jack toy from my childhood days usually but this year it changed. I got a mini sewing kit, Jim and Kyle got a key chain holder, and Beth got a compass.... appears the company wanted to upgrade... Last year I got a beautiful plastic dolphin ring(it almost fix). Every "popper" also has a paper crown, so just for fun we all have to wear the crown while eating dinner! My family is very silly, crazy, and really fun sometimes. We enjoy sharing stories from our childhood and now that we have kids.

I really couldn't ask for a better gift then to spend time with the people I love. This Christmas seemed different somehow, dont' know why, but I was surely blessed.

Busy days and a blessing

Hi all... sorry I haven't had much time to write anything. I have been shopping, wrapping, visiting with my Mom and her husband, and the daily stuff too. Today I have done my devotion, wrote a thank you note, went soul winning, ran to the store, made banana bread for Sunday School, made spinach dip, cut cheese and sausage for my family party that starts in a little over an hour and I still have to iron a shirt and run to the library.

I did have a wonderful evening with Jim last night, every Friday is "date night". We had to get some last minute shopping done and then went out for dinner. It is so faithful to our time on Fridays! I am very blessed.

I had a big answer to prayer this week also. God is great and does mighty works! Also, God is showing me to really trust Him and focus on Him... something I think he needs to show me often.

Have a great day!!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

A Little Bit of Everything

Today Kyle had his friend Brandon over. His Mom was working, so he came over about 9am. Well, my day had begun much earlier than that... I have not been sleeping a lot lately, don't really know why... but I was up about 4:15 this morning. So, Jim and I talked while he was getting ready for work (he had to leave extra early today), then I wrapped the kids gifts. I know I said I was going to do it last night, but Beth couldn't fall asleep (hmmmm). When she finally fell asleep at midnight, I was just about to start on the gifts when I heard Jim come home. So, I thought it was probably not the best time to start wrapping. Anyway, after I wrapped the gifts this morning , I got the load of clothes from late last night (had to do something while I was waiting!) into the dryer, then I cleaned the shower. Shortly after my shower is when Brandon came over. From that point until almost noon, the kids played very nicely with Legos. I talked to Jayne, did more laundry, and got some treat bags ready for tonight to take to church. We ordered pizza for lunch... cuz we could and watched a movie called Air Buddies. It was good, but it is amazing how much "religious" stuff is in movies that is just not what I want the kids to see. Fortunately, they only did something twice and very briefly. After lunch the kids played Legos again and "army". They were so good all day long, I didn't feel like I was watching anyone! I worked on my planner for when we go back to our bookwork; it is finished however, I will have to order some books, but I don't want to do that right away. I cleaned up the house a bit and started to get ready for church. I made cupcakes (late last night) and we celebrated a birthday in our class tonight. One of the girls is turning 12 on Saturday. It was a full day, but honestly, it was a much needed break from my regular routine.

By the way, my Mom and her husband arrived saftely tonight. Thank you for your prayers.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Christmas Break

We finished school today!

Our Indian unit ended by making a data sheet to compare all the tribes we looked at. We might still make a pueblo during break, but that will be fun, so they won't mind. I know both kids are excited the break has begun, but I think I might be even more excited. My plan is to do nothing for school except plan out what we will be working on next in detail (which I will do tomorrow) and then order books from libraries, if I even need to do that.

And, just to get things more in the spirit of Christmas, I plan on wrapping the kids gifts tonight and I will put them under the tree too. That will be a first for our house.... bet they will LOVE it!

Monday, December 18, 2006

Christmas Picture

We took our annual Christmas picture! We started taking a picture each year when Kyle was only 6 months old! It has been fun to see the kids change over the years and something I will treasure forever.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

A busy Sunday

Well, today was our Christmas play and caroling/fellowship night. We had a lot of fun. The kids did a great job in the play. One girl named Georgia especially impressed me; she did her lines very well and was the narrator too. The fellowship was fun as always but I am tired. I am so thankful to the faithful people that help me. It is such a blessing to be part of such a hard working church.

Sorry I didn’t write yesterday, but I didn’t have a lot of time. We started the day with soul winning at 10am. The kids had practice for the play, Jim was working, and I was cleaning the house. I picked up the kids a couple hours later and brought them home, they were able to relax for awhile as I was watching a video on Indians of the Northwest. The video was for our study on Indians (no kidding, right?), but I was trying to weed thru the stuff I didn’t like and they were talking about stuff before our timeframe. As soon as that was done, I headed to the library to drop off lots of books and the video. Off to the stores next, needed something for the fellowship, and as long as I was out, I stopped at two other places and finished shopping for three more people that are on my Christmas list. (I only have one person to go now! Yeah!) I dropped off the stuff at the church, came home and started to wrap some gifts… I was planning on getting my gifts out today to people at church, but Jim thought next week would be better. Jim came home with dinner from Pete’s and we played a game. We moved “family night” because Jim has something else happening this week. It is so nice he takes the time to stop and show us how important we are to him. The kids really look forward to our “family night” and Jim is very faithful to keep it.

Friday, December 15, 2006

The Best Mom in the UNIVERSE

Hey! Guess what?

I just got moved up to best Mom in the universe.

We are trying to get our bookwork done while I am making banana bread, and we are really having a hard time focusing on the bookwork. Do you think it could be that I am just in one of my silly moods and can’t keep quiet? Well, we have been working for an hour and a half or so, and haven’t gotten much done; but I got the grand honor of hearing “I think I have the best Mom in the whole universe” (by Kyle).

The best part was not that I am a great mom in his eyes, the accent was placed on the word universe, there was no question that I was in fact the best mom, my “realm” just got bigger.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

A Busy Day

Today was busy!! I dropped my kids off at Jayne's (where else??!!) at 8:30 this morning. I went from store to store and got about 80% of my list finished!! I finally showed up at Jayne's about 5:45..... I know, she is the best. When I arrived Beth was still at the table as everyone had been making dough ornaments. I got greeted by both kids.... we're not going home yet.... I am not ready. Leave? Jayne's house so fast? NEVER! So, I sat down and made some ornaments too. We talked about lots of stuff and then someone else came over with a little someone to be watched.... shocker, I know. Anyway, so she started making dinner. It was a good dinner if you ask me... ask Jayne and she will tell you (about 7 times) it did not have enough gravy!! She is sitting here with me now as I type and she still said... one more can would have been good! (OH, and she is laughing) We talked about the blogs, so we "worked" on that for a really long time... funny thing was nothing got done. I said at about 9:15 that I had to leave, she told me to put my keys away because there was no way I was leaving so soon! And besides.... we needed to work on the blog! I just love her. So, as long as we made some changes... I thought, it's 10:30, I should probably write something on my blog now because even though I say I am gonna leave..... it never happens.

All this to say, I have the greatest friend and I couldn't be the person I am today without her. No, really I mean that in a good way!

Oh, and did I mention.... I have only had 5 hours of sleep.... I really do need to leave. The kids are upstairs playing (again), I know they are going to be heartbroken we have to leave. After all, they have only been playing with each other for 14 hours!

Oh, and we never did finish the ornaments.... I was told to come back tomorrow!!!!!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The Last of the Mohicans

Today we started reading this book. We should have started it a while ago but…. anyway. I told the kids I wanted to read 15 pages a day so we could be done by next Wednesday, without having to do the weekend. Well, I started reading and Kyle LOVED it. If you know Kyle, you know anything that has to do with books is not usually up there on his list. Well, I stopped reading after getting to page 38, and you should have seen him. He actually begged me to keep going!! (Beth was done and it was getting late, otherwise I would have)

What a blessing to see he is interested in a book. I have to say, I am enjoying it too. You can get it from the library when I am finished…. Maybe by the end of this week!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Children that play peacefully and a wonderful husband

Today is one of those days when I HAD to get something finished (an extra project). So, after our morning bookwork, I told the kids I really needed to get something done and that they could play. I just finished working on my very long project, I did not realize over 3 hours had passed. They have not argued, raised their voices, or even asked me more than two questions the entire time!

My children are such a blessing and I am so thankful to the Lord for them being so content.

Days that are a bit "off" really make me appreciate the "normal" days that my husband provides for me all the time. Because of his faithfulness to his job, I am able to stay at home and make our "everyday life" a nice place.

Monday...A Day Late

Monday was one of those days.... it wasn't a bad or great day..... We had LOTS of unusual interruptions to add to our day. The kids and I worked on our bookwork and then did our Konos work in the afternoon. Since we are studying Indians, we used Beth's Weaving Loom to create some potholders, not exactly what the Navajo Indians did, but they got the idea of how hard and time consuming it must have been for them to finish a big blanket or rug. They realize how fortunate we are for stores!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

An Easy Day

I love Sundays; they are basically the same.... off to church for Sunday School and morning Service, home in the afternoon with a nice, but easy dinner, and back to church for evening Service. Sundays are peaceful and I am very thankful for that.

Saturday, December 9, 2006

Christmas Coffee

Last night was the annual Christmas Coffee and Cookie Exchange and it was a blast! There was lots of food, coffee, and snacks for the approximately 150 people that showed up. So many people did wonderful things for their cookie containers; there was something everyone wanted. I held a few really nice ones, held being the key word, as soon as I got back to my seat and the next “trade” was announced, I lost it. Of course, this is how it was for everyone…

Beth really wanted a set of oval containers decorated to look like a penguin and she almost had it. During the last trade, it was in her hand and two people came over for it, the first one got it, and had to hand it over as soon as she turned around. Somehow, neither one of them ended up with it, a girl named Chynna had it. (She had been after it ALL night) Well, after the whole exchange was done, Beth was really sad and went to Chynna and asked her if she would give it back to her. I guess Beth had the saddest face in the world because after a short conversation, Chynna gave it to her!!! I was surprised but not really; our church is one of the friendliest churches. Things like that happen at Grace Baptist all the time. The people are so loving and are really concerned about others, even if it is a little container for cookies!

Friday, December 8, 2006

The Best Dad and Mom

My daughter told me that in the show, Leap Frog, the little frog said he wanted everyone to know his Dad was the best in the whole world.

She proudly stated, “I wouldn’t want everyone to know I have the best Daddy and Mommy. Want to know why?”

I of course said I did want to know.

Her reply was, “If everyone knew that I had the best Daddy and Mommy they would want to have you, and I want to keep you to myself”.

How sweet are the words of a little girl praising her family!!

Thursday, December 7, 2006

Getting Started

Well, I was encouraged to start a blog, and I haven't got a clue what I should write about yet. So far today I have baked mock toffee, gave the kids breakfast, and did school work with my daughter at about 6am (she couldn't sleep either!). I had a nice chat with my husband this morning before he left for work, I am not sure if he was ready for me to go 90 mph so early in the morning, but last night was one of those nights when I just couldn't sleep and that got my day going at 4am. I will probably crash sometime this afternoon! Therefore, before I have no energy, I have to go make some cookies for the world's best cookie exchange, taking place tomorrow at Grace Baptist Church!