Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A Nice But Atypical Day

Ever have one of those day when it is planned for one way and happens very different? Well, today was one of those.

I got up late, so did Jim. That sent us moving in a hurry... my late doesn't have the same impact as his. Anyway, not 10 minutes after he left he called using a different phone and said he had forgotten his phone and asked me if I would bring it to him. I would REALLY love to say that I was just happy to do my "wifely" duty and didn't miss a beat, but my first thought was... that is gonna mess me up! I already had bowling and an was this going to work.

I had already missed my usual time with God and now I needed to move my day around. As my thoughts were swimming about how I was going to handle my day, I stopped.

I realize that the entire day can be completely "messed up" and WITH God it would be just fine, WITHOUT God, I knew it would be perfectly "messed up". So, I read my Bible. I am reading Titus this week (over and over) and I kept thinking/hearing...whatever, one chapter is enough. After one I started two and heard, you can't do this, you don't have time for this. So, I did what I should I read chapter 3.

After that I prayed, albeit shorter than I wanted, but I just asked God to make it work as I did what I should do and to work out how we could get to Jim almost an hour drive away, get school accomplished and get to bowling on time. (Usually after bowling we arrive home at 3:30 and it is a horrible time to get back to school!)

So, a brilliant thought was placed in my head by God. I would take all the kids work with us and stop at the library in the town we were going to be bowling at and then we wouldn't have extra drive time. I never want to feel like I "squeeze school in".

The day was absolutely wonderful. We were in the car about 8:30, drove to Wheaton and were in Woodridge at the library about 10:00! The kids got most of their work done...without any complaints, we stopped for lunch, and went bowling which only took an HOUR because the team we were paired with didn't show up!

It sure is amazing how we can think a day to have such a poor outlook before we even start! I sure am glad God takes our cares and worries away... even if it is something like wondering how I am going to complete a day that is nothing like "I planned it".

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Back To Normal Life

Yesterday and today were spent doing what we usually do. Last night we had our family night and we watched "Facing The Giants" which we all enjoyed very much. Today we continued our school work and chores. I really do enjoy being on a regular routine. I have been getting up at 5:00 since last Wednesday to have my prayer time (except last night I forgot to set my alarm clock, so I didn't get up until 5:45) and I am really enjoying the time with God. Life is so much better with Him.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Something Silly

Today Kyle called me and I told him to wait while I was doing something. About 30 seconds later he called again... I am sure any mom can relate.

Anyway, I went to him and he asked me a question, which doesn't really matter, but it wasn't really urgent to say the least.

As I talked to him I said, "I should just be split into 4 parts": one for each, Daddy, Kyle, Beth, and I get to have myself so I get the last forth.

Kyle very plainly said, "Yea, I get the head."

Now there is something to think about! LOL

Saturday, March 21, 2009

I'm Back

Hi everyone!

Sorry again for my absence. I had a busy two weeks.

Last week I got my mask for my machine changed, had my last two therapy appointments, saw a play, took the kids to chapel, and took the kids to our home school bowling league. I am sure I blinked and the week was gone.

This week we were enjoying Pastor's School! It was the best year yet as far as I am concerned. I really love being around teaching, preaching, and God's people so much. Life would be so much easier if that happened all the time... but of course it is not reality.

There were so many great speakers, that I could not begin to tell you about all of what we were taught. I plan on going over my notes to really let it all "sink in". I picked the afternoon sessions on prayer and was greatly encourage by this time. We had a two hour session each day and one hour was spent in small groups praying for anything that was on our hearts. It was such a blessing to see so many ladies pray. I looked forward to this time each day, which is odd for me, because I don't like to be with new people....I am shy. Once I get to know people I am good, but I don't like to be the one to start talking. I met a sweet elderly lady on Tuesday afternoon and we were able to be in our prayer groups two times together. We talked as much as we could and exchanged our personal information. It was an answer to prayer that I would have someone to talk to. I asked God to let me be by someone that I could be a blessing to, rather than someone that could bless me. I can't speak for my new friend, but I know that I was incredibly blessed! On the second day in our groups, a Pastor's wife came up to me and she was the sweetest lady. So, God really blessed my afternoons greatly.

Today, we all went soul winning. Jim had to work after that and I did some shopping, cleaning, finished my Sunday School lesson for tomorrow, and took a bike ride. I am going to try to get out with the kids a few times a week now that the weather is getting better.

I am so looking forward to church tomorrow. I certainly do love my church. Have a great night.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

When I Was A Kid

When I was a kid, if my Mom couldn't come to see what I wanted to show her... I just had to wait. Beth on the other hand has no problem with this.

Yesterday she was straighten her room and she wanted me to see what she did. I was working on something and told her I couldn't see it right then but in a few minutes I would go to her room. She said okay and I thought that was that.

About two minutes later she came back with a smile on her face and my camera in her hand. She said, "if you can't come to my room, I will bring it to you"!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Ladies Meeting

Last nights meeting was really good! I learned a lot of information about the "nasty little bugs/germs" lurking around....they are gross. I don't know if I can ever not think about dust mite poop ever again... those of you there know exactly what I am talking about... GROSS! I really appreciate Julie taking the time to have special meetings like this. They are always fun and informative.. fortunately they are NOT usually gross. lol

Friday, March 6, 2009

Beautiful Day

The kids knew that today was forecasted to be beautiful, so they were REALLY motivated to get school started and finished! We started school at 7am and finished by 12:30. I am a morning person, so I love days like this. If we could start every day by 7, it would be a beautiful thing. Whether that happens or not, today was certainly nice!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Reader's Theater

Beth joined the Reader's Theater again this month and they performed "A League of Their Own". Beth really enjoys this and she didn't have anyone she knew there (except of course Ms. Jane the librarian), so I think it is really good for her. She may not be so scared to speak in public if this keeps up.