Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Is it wrong to look forward to going to bed tonight so early in the day???

I just got home from my visit for my CPAP machine. It is a simple machine and the mask is tiny for my little nose.

So, I am asking myself... is it wrong to look forward to going to bed tonight so early in the day??? I keep laughing at myself because I am actually excited about having this machine. I know that sounds really strange, but it has been a long time since I have slept well and I am really looking forward to getting a "good night's sleep" on a regular basis. It is so strange not ever realizing that you aren't getting a good rest.

Well, I have schooling to complete... so off I go. Have a great day.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Doctor and Date

I got my report from the sleep study and I sleep very well with the machine. I haven't talked to the doctor yet, so I don't know how/when I will get the machine.

I also went to the ortho doctor and he was very pleased with my progress. I literally saw him for 1 minute. He signed the referral for therapy to continue, but I am only going to go 2 times a week. I really love NOT having to go out of my house so often!

And lastly, Jim and I had our date night. I do so enjoy being with him. And honestly I can say that I am enjoying it more and more as time goes on. God is so wonderful to bless me with a husband that wants to be with me and show me that he loves me!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Missionary Circle

Tonight was the first night for the new Missionary Circles. It was a nice time of fellowship and then we talked about and prayed for the missionary families in our assigned areas. It is nice to see current photos of the families and hear some of the news they were able to share. One of the families wrote that 774 people were saved in Oct. and Nov. That is so incredible!! This meeting was hosted by one of the ladies in our church and it was such a blessing. Beth surrendered to be a Pastor's wife, so missions is something that could be in her future... At the very least she will have to have a servants heart and pray for people!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Better Late (To Post) Then Never

I am just getting to this...but as I said, better late then never! On Thursday we got a surprise! Jim sent us BOTH flowers!
As you can tell the plastic is still on, it is really her smile that I wanted to capture! This face is nothing compared to the look she had when she had to take the second bouquet of flowers from the delivery man and then saw HER name on the card! It was PRICELESS!! Not at all excited! She left the sweetest thank you message on Jim's voice mail.

One for me and one for her. Isn't he just the sweetest man!

Friday, February 13, 2009


The Valentine banquet was really great. Every part was fun, so I couldn't say what was best. I look forward to this every year...I can hardly believe this was our 7th one!! Thank you to everyone that worked so hard to make this event happen; it truly is a blessing.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


I went to my doctor today and my A1C reading was 6.1 which is down from 6.5 since November. That is a good thing.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Preaching to Myself

Today as I was having my devotion I read Matthew 16. As I read it I realized it went through the first four verses with one topic and moved on. I stopped and re-read verses 1-4

Mt 16:1 The Pharisees also with the Sadducees came, and tempting desired him that he would shew them a sign from heaven.
2 He answered and said unto them, When it is evening, ye say, It will be fair weather: for the sky is red.
3 And in the morning, It will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowring. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?
4 A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas. And he left them, and departed.

I stopped and read it again and thought, why did God put just these four verses in and move on? They seemed so short and insignificant, but I know that God doesn't do that! So, I asked God and read it again.

It is then that God brought this to my mind. The Pharisees and Sadducees wanted a sign even though they had seen many things before. I did a search and found it interesting that two times they are mentioned in Matthew before this the Bible states, "when the Pharisees saw it"... naturally I wanted to know what they saw. I really wasn't surprised (because Pastor and Julie teach so much) that they only saw the two things they thought were wrong. I started to think about how many miracles or as they requested, "sign from heaven" they probably saw!

It was then I realized how often God is showing me so many things, but it is not what I was looking for.... or just not the way that I wanted it. And not only did I see the wrong, but was completely blind to the miracles! How sinful to think I know so much by what I see and completely miss what God is showing.

Anyway, that is my truth for the day. Mostly it was for me, I really am not sure why I was compelled to share it.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

You know its been way too cold lately when...

your child, after grabbing the mail, says..."it's really nice outside" and it is 19 degrees not counting the wind chill which brings it to a whole 1!!!