Saturday, January 31, 2009

Lazy Saturday

Today we all went door knocking, Jim went to do his 24hr shift, Kyle went to brush burning with Bro. John and Beth and I watched Sense & Sensibility. Not much happened which I really enjoyed. I fell asleep on the couch and now I am going to go to bed.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Busy Day

I got home from my sleep study at 6am. I really felt like I got a good night of sleep! I will have to wait until the doctor gets the results to know when I will get a CPAP least from what I can tell that is the plan. I looked at my result from the first test and it mentions lots of numbers, but I guess on average I stop breathing 18 times per hour...I stop more when in REM sleep. So, I am just waiting right now.

Here was my day:
6am got home/devotion
7:30 started school
10:30 therapy for my shoulder
11:45 watched Hunter, Carter, and Tanner (only until 2)
4pm did weekly shopping
6:30 left for a Pampered Chef party

The day went by really fast! I prefer days that are much slower....

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Accountability... good and bad.

A blogging buddy of mine (Tracy) is trying to lose weight and ever week she updates. She has inspired me to be accountable to do something about my weight. I have thought about my weight a lot, but never willing to really try. With my diagnosis of pre-diabetes it is time to start really getting serious. I have done better since I found that out that bit of news and as of today, I believe I have lost 4 pounds (I didn't write it down before). So, I know where my weight it as of today and every week, whether good or bad, I am going to post where I am at. My hope is that telling you every week what I am doing will be enough to keep me on track... I really don't want to tell you how bad I am!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Well, I started my occupational therapy (O.T.) today. My therapist did the eval, gave me a treatment of electrical stim and a cold pack, taped my shoulder, and gave me a couple exercises. I have all my appointment scheduled until I see the doctor again and only one will interfere with school, but we can do some before and after my appointment.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Scheduling Day

Wow! You won't believe this... well, of course God can do anything, but this is fast!

The missing referral was received by the therapy department and they have an opening tomorrow! And my appointment is in the afternoon, so school won't be interrupted...always a blessing!

Another thing, I received a call from the sleep center saying they needed to schedule my next study...hmmm think I have a problem??? When I saw the doctor on the 15th he said we would talk about the study next time, but they just sent over the referral. I truly love my doctor's office. This office is so good and getting things done, and he is very thorough with test and such. Oh, this appointment is set for THIS Thursday....Awesome!

I am getting a little tired of this......

THANK YOU to all that prayed for me. This is a great blessing to me.


Today we celebrated 100 days of school!!!
Here a the special things we did today:
creative writing with this: "I wish I had a 100____ because...".
art: they drew a picture incorporating 100 into it
a bean bag toss trying to get to 100 points (good for addding)
I read a book to them
watched a Moody DVD about faith
word search (I just realized how valuable this could be for spelling...little slow!)
answered: "what do know now that I didn't know 100 days ago
I also gave them a crossword puzzle book and 100 pennies top it off we had a chocolate cake with a big 100 on top.
This was a very atypical day, but we enjoyed it.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Just Stuff

Well, my shoulder is feeling a little better from the shot no doubt. I am able to move it much better, but I still can't take much weight/resistance with it. My referral seems to be lost someplace, so I don't have an appointment for therapy, but I am sure it will happen soon.

Tonight was "Family Night' and we spent our night enjoying chicken from Jewel. (Monday is cheap chicken night which is great) We played Chinese checkers, Rummikub, and Mille Bornes...let me think. Kyle won Chinese checkers, Jim and I each one a round of Rummikub, and I won Mille Bornes.

It is such a blessing to have a family that stops and plays together. Actually, while I am typing this Jim and Kyle are having a Nerf war. It puts a smile on my face when these two act crazy like that. :D

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Today I went to see the ortho doctor. He said I have bursitis in my right shoulder. He gave me a shot and I will be going to therapy as soon as they are able to get me in. I talked with the lady that makes the appointments and the soonest they have an opening in the 4th! So, if you read this I would greatly appreciate your prayers for a date much sooner. I will see the doctor again in 4 weeks, so it would really be nice to have some treatments done, not to mention that my arm hurts. Thanks much.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Sledding and a Home School Meeting

Today we went sledding at Delwood Park with Ms. Cheryl, Mr. John, Page, and Georgia! It was really cold up on that hill, but the kids had a great time. After they went down a few times we walked to where the creek is and something John called "The Hill of Death"and walked around and cracked ice for a while. It was really neat to see how thin the ice was, but how it would really stand up to people jumping on it! As we were walking and I was cracking ice I would let out this little scream... I just couldn't help it. It reminds me of old movies when the mother (aka the non-nature person) is out with the experienced group and is always the one "screaming" or saying we went too far. You know the worrier! I wasn't that bad really... at least I don't think I was! The O's are the type of people I wish I was more like in respect to being "the outdoor type". I like being outside in very limited quantities and usually in more sedentary activities. Anyway, we spent about and hour and a half out there and I was really surprised actually, I had a great time out there!!

Tonight was our bi-monthly home school meeting and it was WONDERFUL. Pastor's teaching tonight really hit home. It really made me think about some of the things we do. You know how you do something and then start getting away from it for no apparent reason...well, I looked the "ground I was sowing" and realized where we need to fix something. I am sure as I ponder this lesson God will bring other things to my mind!

Thank you Pastor and Julie for all your hard work and taking the time to invest in us. You are such a blessing.

Friday, January 16, 2009


Tonight while Kyle was on the youth activity, Beth and I worked on her science "project". I purchased a book called "The Glad Scientist" so we can work on reviewing the same type of material (the human body)we had been working on over the past semester. These are the pictures of her making a cell. After we were finished we looked online for an actual cell during mitosis and it was very neat. I have an interest in all this from being in the medical field years ago and my hope is that she won't be quiet as "freaked out" as she has been. Being my second time around with this, it is awesome to see it from a godly perspective! The human body is so awesome.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Sometimes It Works, Sometimes It Doesn't

Hi all. I am having computer problems, so if i drop off the blog for awhile you will know that I am either having computer issues or that I am being a slacker again... I will know which, but it may be hard for you to tell. Last night I didn't have a mouse, so I couldn't open anything... I was going to tell you something that Beth said yesterday, but today it escapes me!

We enjoyed our family night on Monday by playing 3 different games and having chicken from Jewel. Monday nights are great for Jewel chicken because it is so reasonable. After that the kids and I watched a Moody DVD called, " The Ultimate Adventure". God sure is amazing with all He provides!!

Yesterday we stayed inside, except the kids ran out to the garage to get an icicle. Kyle came back with one that was guessing 18 inches long! They gave it to the dog and I wish I would have taken pictures. That dog is still crazy.

I have to get back to schooling and then out for shoveling. Have a great day!!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Well, for the past almost two weeks life has been on super speed. Our last week of our Christmas break went faster than I imagined it would!

This is some of what we/I have done this week:
-had our Round-Up Sunday. The kids made chili (with a little help from me) and actually won third place! It is my Mom's recipe and I think it is wonderful.
-started our bookwork again and have finished our first semester! It is hard to believe that our school year is half over.
-Went to the eye doctor and went back to pick up my new glasses
-shoveled snow
-got the dog's nails clipped (and purchased her food) There is a wonderful lady in town that only charges 5.00 to clip Boston's nails in case you local people are interested.
-took down the Christmas tree and decorations
-had "family night" on Tuesday
-had date night on Friday

Brother Jeremy preached/taught on Wednesday night and it was really good!! I do enjoy hearing him. I am amazed at such a young man having his life so "together" to serve God so fervently.

Today Dr. Gray is coming to our church and I am so looking forward to that!

I will try to be better about my posts... I am sure there is something I could tell you everyday! ;)