Saturday, May 2, 2009

Camp Joy

Camp Joy was great!
The speakers were wonderful, fellowship was nice, and the place relaxing.
This was really early in the morning....just me and God..this was the BEST.

Our group

Friday, May 1, 2009

Happy Birthday!

Today is Jim's 42nd Birthday!!
Happy Birthday!
You are the best husband in the world!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Field Trips

The K-5th graders enjoyed a day at the Children's Farm and the 6-12th graders enjoyed a day at the science center. It was a beautiful day and we all enjoyed it. (I was with Beth and Kyle was with Brother Jeremy)
3 pictures later...and telling them I don't care what the pic looks like... and that's when I get the good shot!

The group

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Reader's Theater

Today Beth participated in the Library's "Reader's Theater" plays. They did two skits; the first was "Which Do You Choose" and "Little Red Riding Hood". All the kids did a great job, but of course Beth was the best. :D No, I am not favoring her..... not at all! I would never be like that.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Fun At The Zoo

Yesterday we went to the zoo because it was such a beautiful day! Here are some pics.

The usual place for our annual picture of the kids.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

LIbrary and Bowling

Yesterday we went to the Woodridge Library and bowling. The kids really like this library because they have a good selection of books. There are so many "Boxcar" books that Beth is just lost in them.

I grew up in Woodridge and this is not the library we had... it is amazing how time changes so much... but as we drive there I point out were I went to jr. high, the orthodontist that I worked for while in high school, and where I got engaged. It really is neat being able to share stories with them. We haven't gone by my old house for a while, but it is really close to these places also. I was blessed with a good life growing up even though I didn't have any relationship with God.

Sometimes it is nice to "visit" the past... it really makes you realize the blessings all around.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

A Great Sunday and My Testimony

Today was a really good day at church. Dr. Buchanan was wonderful with the preaching both this morning and this evening. I am so grateful that we have such a wonderful church to be a part of. I loved Dr. Buchanan's comment that we should be glad we have a man of God that isn't afraid to preach like he should. And I for one can tell you that I am glad... without the truth, I honestly can say I don't know where I would be. I can't tell you why, but I was very nervous at first when I was giving my testimony...very odd since most of the church knows it already!

I know you already heard this too all my friends, but I wrote on here a while ago, I would put my testimony on here... so, since you heard it tonight, you don't need to read it, but just is case someone else happens along I am adding it. We never know what God will use to speak to people and how they will come across it.

My Testimony:
As far as growing up, I had a “normal” home. We had our moments, but I considered my childhood very good considering we were not saved. My family was catholic by name only, but by the time I came along as the 5th child, my Mom was finished trying to explain what she didn’t understand we never went to church. I knew God was real, but He was for religious people and had nothing to do with me or you went if you got married or you died. I remember that our family owned a Bible but no one ever touched it… except one time I was looking through it and my sister came down stairs and saw me… made fun of me… and I closed it and that was that.

I met Jim when I was 20 years old. My relationship with Jim started as a set-up. This however was no ordinary “blind date”. After an interestingly terrible night which I won’t go in to, I wondered, how someone could still be interested in me, after me putting my worst foot forward…

We started dating but as the months went by, I wasn’t really sure how I felt. I knew I liked him, but didn’t think he was the one and only. We broke up, but that didn’t stop him. He causally pursued me, acting if it was okay if nothing came of it. As time went on, I could see that he thought about me and wanted to spend time with me and he treated me well and he reminded me a lot of my father who died about 1 month before we met and I was sure that the problems we were having while we were dating would certainly go away as time went on. After 3 years of dating we got married in 1990. On my wedding date I was positive I wanted to be married to this man. However, this took us to a relationship that couldn’t last because it was based on our feelings and how much he attention I received.

During our first year of marriage we saw each other for about 1/3 of the year spread out. I was going to school and he was working 2-24 hour shifts on the ambulance. We both got busy with our careers and pretty much left each other behind in our own ways. We would disagree, then argue, and make up, argue and then just pretend there weren’t problems… but it was a short term solution to a long term problem. Jim’s job was always top priority and I couldn’t take that… I knew we both needed to work as we had so much debt, but I couldn’t stand the fact that he wanted to be away as much as he did. I started questioning why I had gotten married. Many questions and countless asking for time together only got me frustrated, which led me to leave our marriage after 4 years.

Shortly after I left I realized I was pregnant. Jim promised things would be different and I wanted to believe him, so I went back. Since nothing really changed, except adding more stress, our lives were very much in the same pattern.

As time went on, Jim had his life and I had mine. As you have heard from his own testimony he was very busy with work and going to the race track. He wanted his family, but on his terms. I was working a full time job, taking care of Kyle, paying the bills, doing the shopping, cleaning the house and started living a different life in my head, I escaped by dreaming about “what ifs”, started going out more, and shopped.

Time marched on and we continued our roller coaster ride marriage and Beth came along in 1998 on one of the up swings. But we needed money, so I worked on weekends a couple days a month. Again we continued our roller coaster ride. As things continued to go up and down, the ups were shorter and the downs were longer. Now with Jim working Monday thru Friday and me working at least two weekends a month, there was very little time to spend together. By this point I liked it better when we were apart so I planned my weekends to fit my plans; I would work on Saturday then drive to my friends house, we would go out to the bar, crash at her house, and I would show up sometime on Sunday about noon. I knew this really bothered Jim and I got some satisfaction out of the fact that he was getting a taste of what I had put up with for so long. Our lives were miserable; we only talked to get information. As far as being a mother, I was horrible. I loved them in my own way, but I really wanted them not to be so consuming. They were not fitting in with the plans that I had. I didn’t want to be stuck in the house taking care of them. Kyle was in school but Beth wasn’t able to as she was only 3 ½. I was really waiting for the time I could afford daycare or she got into school. I was just getting by until I could make some changes that would please me.

One day during all this, sometime in 2001, Pastor Bill Schutt knocked on our door. We talked for about 30 minutes, but I wasn’t ready to attend the church. I put the tract in a drawer. I tried to throw it away 3 or 4 times, but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. I would toss it in the garage can, pull it out, and put it in the drawer again.

Anyway, our good time, bad time, roller coaster of a marriage hit the final straw when after one more of Jim’s week long trips, he came home while I was on the phone with a friend and I didn’t acknowledge him in any way except a wave. That led to Jim moving out in mid March 2002. Jim’s plan for our separation was different then mine, he wanted to take a break, and work things out, and start dating me again. I can honestly say I really hated that man and I never thought about our separation as a time to fix anything. I wanted freedom and dating someone I hate was not on my list. I was thinking this was my moment! This was exactly what I wanted! I was the happiest girl on the planet and was ready for my new life! The kids would go to his place and I would have time for me and I didn’t have to pretend that I was a happily married woman anymore.

But, to my shock, things started to change quickly. A friend that we have known for many years called and started talking to me about how he started going to church and he goes all the time… I was certain he had lost him mind but I listened to him. At the same time, although I didn’t know it, God was working on Jim and I. Jim wanted to be my knight in shining armor, so God made sure that he had a several opportunities to do so, one of them being my car broke down just after getting off the expressway.

Jim also wanted us to do something as a family together and I reluctantly agreed, the only date I had was Sunday April 28 (unless he wanted to go sometime in June which he didn‘t.) We decided to a museum in downtown Chicago and as we were driving we talked about all the traffic and stated that there shouldn’t be this much traffic because those people should be in church. We decided that we would be back early enough for the night service at that church.

We actually kept our word (we almost didn’t) and came to the church that night and it was strange! The Pastor I expected wasn’t there, there were 8 ladies all in the same dress, everyone talked to us, and Pastor Dave came right down the aisle, more like RAN down the aisle to meet us, then someone ran to go get Julie and she greeted us. We were completely taken away by this as we had been to a couple of Catholic churches and nothing like that had ever happened before. We sat in the back and we were mesmerized! Pastor preached on the man’s role in the family and knew he was talking about us…but how he knew, we didn’t know.

I didn’t come forward that night, I really wanted to, but I didn’t know what those people were going do, so I stayed put. I did raise my hand when Pastor asked if he could pray… I knew I needed that. I knew something was different that night and I may have gotten saved; I was too ignorant to know. As we drove home, we talked about the service and both of us agreed that Grace Baptist was going to be our church. The following Thursday Pastor called and asked if “someone” from the church could stop by with a pie, after I said yes, I called Jim and told him he better be here since we were not living together.

The “someone” was Pastor and Julie, which threw us for a loop, because as Jim put it so well, “it was them!” Never in my entire life did I think the Pastor was coming over. I don’t really know how long they were there, but after a while they each presented the gospel and we both got saved on May 2, 2002 when I was just shy of 35 years old.

Everything was wonderful. Jim came over every day and the neighbors thought we were crazy… the lady that was so happy to get rid of her husband was now on cloud nine. We knew that EVERYONE was going to think we were out of our minds but Jim moved back in the house by the end of May, just about 8 weeks after leaving.

As anyone will tell you, you don’t get to stay on cloud nine for the rest of your life, but with all the preaching, teaching, and love we have receive from Pastor and Julie and most importantly God being ruler of our lives, we have been able to handle many difficult situations and have been blessed beyond measure.

Today I can tell you my world has been turned upside down in the best way. God has changed my heart so much. After I got saved, God gave me the desire to quit my job, start treating my husband like a man (after reading, Me? Obey Him?), start loving my kids the right way, stop spending like a crazy lady trying to fill up a bottomless pit, change the way I dressed, stop drink and swearing, stop hanging around and calling my old so-called friends, and many other things.

I trusted God and He is doing the rest.

If someone is reading this that has no idea what I am talking about when I say I was "saved", please look at the bottom of this blog and go to the website.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

An Awesome Conference

Today was wonderful! I really enjoyed the Ladies Conference. The speakers were terrific, the fellowship great, and food was yummy. This year Beth was able to go for the first time and she loved it. I am sure she missed a lot of information, but she took at least 5 pages of notes!

Thank you again Julie for another fabulous conference. I really appreciate all the work you do to make this day special. You are a wonderful lady and we are so fortunate to have you!!!

My camera didn't take very good pictures, but here they are.... in no particular order.

Friday, April 3, 2009

A Fun Day

Today Kyle got to go on a youth trip to Michigan. Beth and I needed to go shopping for some new shoes for her. But today turned into a day of shopping. We spent about 4 hours at 7 different stores and got a couple of great buys. I had a 15% off coupon for Kohl's and another for Lane Bryant for spend 50.00 save 25.00 (can't beat that!) Beth and I really enjoyed spending our day together. We loved the shopping, enjoyed laughing together, had lunch and we even spoiled ourselves by stopping in Fannie May Candies for a couple of pieces of candy. Oh, and when we got to the shopping center, I pulled in by a meter and Beth just had the greatest time putting in the money and watching the time go up (we actually stayed in this outdoor mall longer than planned just to "get our moneys worth" lol). The funny thing was, she really has only seen one meter in her life before this one and really didn't have any clue about them at all.... it was really cute!! I would have to say, although this wasn't a planned least not THAT long of shopping...I enjoyed this day very much. As we were driving home, I was trying to think of something that Kyle and I could do for an afternoon sometime... days with the kids are going to be gone so fast. It is such a blessing to be able to spend time with them.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A Nice But Atypical Day

Ever have one of those day when it is planned for one way and happens very different? Well, today was one of those.

I got up late, so did Jim. That sent us moving in a hurry... my late doesn't have the same impact as his. Anyway, not 10 minutes after he left he called using a different phone and said he had forgotten his phone and asked me if I would bring it to him. I would REALLY love to say that I was just happy to do my "wifely" duty and didn't miss a beat, but my first thought was... that is gonna mess me up! I already had bowling and an was this going to work.

I had already missed my usual time with God and now I needed to move my day around. As my thoughts were swimming about how I was going to handle my day, I stopped.

I realize that the entire day can be completely "messed up" and WITH God it would be just fine, WITHOUT God, I knew it would be perfectly "messed up". So, I read my Bible. I am reading Titus this week (over and over) and I kept thinking/hearing...whatever, one chapter is enough. After one I started two and heard, you can't do this, you don't have time for this. So, I did what I should I read chapter 3.

After that I prayed, albeit shorter than I wanted, but I just asked God to make it work as I did what I should do and to work out how we could get to Jim almost an hour drive away, get school accomplished and get to bowling on time. (Usually after bowling we arrive home at 3:30 and it is a horrible time to get back to school!)

So, a brilliant thought was placed in my head by God. I would take all the kids work with us and stop at the library in the town we were going to be bowling at and then we wouldn't have extra drive time. I never want to feel like I "squeeze school in".

The day was absolutely wonderful. We were in the car about 8:30, drove to Wheaton and were in Woodridge at the library about 10:00! The kids got most of their work done...without any complaints, we stopped for lunch, and went bowling which only took an HOUR because the team we were paired with didn't show up!

It sure is amazing how we can think a day to have such a poor outlook before we even start! I sure am glad God takes our cares and worries away... even if it is something like wondering how I am going to complete a day that is nothing like "I planned it".

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Back To Normal Life

Yesterday and today were spent doing what we usually do. Last night we had our family night and we watched "Facing The Giants" which we all enjoyed very much. Today we continued our school work and chores. I really do enjoy being on a regular routine. I have been getting up at 5:00 since last Wednesday to have my prayer time (except last night I forgot to set my alarm clock, so I didn't get up until 5:45) and I am really enjoying the time with God. Life is so much better with Him.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Something Silly

Today Kyle called me and I told him to wait while I was doing something. About 30 seconds later he called again... I am sure any mom can relate.

Anyway, I went to him and he asked me a question, which doesn't really matter, but it wasn't really urgent to say the least.

As I talked to him I said, "I should just be split into 4 parts": one for each, Daddy, Kyle, Beth, and I get to have myself so I get the last forth.

Kyle very plainly said, "Yea, I get the head."

Now there is something to think about! LOL

Saturday, March 21, 2009

I'm Back

Hi everyone!

Sorry again for my absence. I had a busy two weeks.

Last week I got my mask for my machine changed, had my last two therapy appointments, saw a play, took the kids to chapel, and took the kids to our home school bowling league. I am sure I blinked and the week was gone.

This week we were enjoying Pastor's School! It was the best year yet as far as I am concerned. I really love being around teaching, preaching, and God's people so much. Life would be so much easier if that happened all the time... but of course it is not reality.

There were so many great speakers, that I could not begin to tell you about all of what we were taught. I plan on going over my notes to really let it all "sink in". I picked the afternoon sessions on prayer and was greatly encourage by this time. We had a two hour session each day and one hour was spent in small groups praying for anything that was on our hearts. It was such a blessing to see so many ladies pray. I looked forward to this time each day, which is odd for me, because I don't like to be with new people....I am shy. Once I get to know people I am good, but I don't like to be the one to start talking. I met a sweet elderly lady on Tuesday afternoon and we were able to be in our prayer groups two times together. We talked as much as we could and exchanged our personal information. It was an answer to prayer that I would have someone to talk to. I asked God to let me be by someone that I could be a blessing to, rather than someone that could bless me. I can't speak for my new friend, but I know that I was incredibly blessed! On the second day in our groups, a Pastor's wife came up to me and she was the sweetest lady. So, God really blessed my afternoons greatly.

Today, we all went soul winning. Jim had to work after that and I did some shopping, cleaning, finished my Sunday School lesson for tomorrow, and took a bike ride. I am going to try to get out with the kids a few times a week now that the weather is getting better.

I am so looking forward to church tomorrow. I certainly do love my church. Have a great night.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

When I Was A Kid

When I was a kid, if my Mom couldn't come to see what I wanted to show her... I just had to wait. Beth on the other hand has no problem with this.

Yesterday she was straighten her room and she wanted me to see what she did. I was working on something and told her I couldn't see it right then but in a few minutes I would go to her room. She said okay and I thought that was that.

About two minutes later she came back with a smile on her face and my camera in her hand. She said, "if you can't come to my room, I will bring it to you"!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Ladies Meeting

Last nights meeting was really good! I learned a lot of information about the "nasty little bugs/germs" lurking around....they are gross. I don't know if I can ever not think about dust mite poop ever again... those of you there know exactly what I am talking about... GROSS! I really appreciate Julie taking the time to have special meetings like this. They are always fun and informative.. fortunately they are NOT usually gross. lol

Friday, March 6, 2009

Beautiful Day

The kids knew that today was forecasted to be beautiful, so they were REALLY motivated to get school started and finished! We started school at 7am and finished by 12:30. I am a morning person, so I love days like this. If we could start every day by 7, it would be a beautiful thing. Whether that happens or not, today was certainly nice!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Reader's Theater

Beth joined the Reader's Theater again this month and they performed "A League of Their Own". Beth really enjoys this and she didn't have anyone she knew there (except of course Ms. Jane the librarian), so I think it is really good for her. She may not be so scared to speak in public if this keeps up.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Is it wrong to look forward to going to bed tonight so early in the day???

I just got home from my visit for my CPAP machine. It is a simple machine and the mask is tiny for my little nose.

So, I am asking myself... is it wrong to look forward to going to bed tonight so early in the day??? I keep laughing at myself because I am actually excited about having this machine. I know that sounds really strange, but it has been a long time since I have slept well and I am really looking forward to getting a "good night's sleep" on a regular basis. It is so strange not ever realizing that you aren't getting a good rest.

Well, I have schooling to complete... so off I go. Have a great day.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Doctor and Date

I got my report from the sleep study and I sleep very well with the machine. I haven't talked to the doctor yet, so I don't know how/when I will get the machine.

I also went to the ortho doctor and he was very pleased with my progress. I literally saw him for 1 minute. He signed the referral for therapy to continue, but I am only going to go 2 times a week. I really love NOT having to go out of my house so often!

And lastly, Jim and I had our date night. I do so enjoy being with him. And honestly I can say that I am enjoying it more and more as time goes on. God is so wonderful to bless me with a husband that wants to be with me and show me that he loves me!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Missionary Circle

Tonight was the first night for the new Missionary Circles. It was a nice time of fellowship and then we talked about and prayed for the missionary families in our assigned areas. It is nice to see current photos of the families and hear some of the news they were able to share. One of the families wrote that 774 people were saved in Oct. and Nov. That is so incredible!! This meeting was hosted by one of the ladies in our church and it was such a blessing. Beth surrendered to be a Pastor's wife, so missions is something that could be in her future... At the very least she will have to have a servants heart and pray for people!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Better Late (To Post) Then Never

I am just getting to this...but as I said, better late then never! On Thursday we got a surprise! Jim sent us BOTH flowers!
As you can tell the plastic is still on, it is really her smile that I wanted to capture! This face is nothing compared to the look she had when she had to take the second bouquet of flowers from the delivery man and then saw HER name on the card! It was PRICELESS!! Not at all excited! She left the sweetest thank you message on Jim's voice mail.

One for me and one for her. Isn't he just the sweetest man!

Friday, February 13, 2009


The Valentine banquet was really great. Every part was fun, so I couldn't say what was best. I look forward to this every year...I can hardly believe this was our 7th one!! Thank you to everyone that worked so hard to make this event happen; it truly is a blessing.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


I went to my doctor today and my A1C reading was 6.1 which is down from 6.5 since November. That is a good thing.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Preaching to Myself

Today as I was having my devotion I read Matthew 16. As I read it I realized it went through the first four verses with one topic and moved on. I stopped and re-read verses 1-4

Mt 16:1 The Pharisees also with the Sadducees came, and tempting desired him that he would shew them a sign from heaven.
2 He answered and said unto them, When it is evening, ye say, It will be fair weather: for the sky is red.
3 And in the morning, It will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowring. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?
4 A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas. And he left them, and departed.

I stopped and read it again and thought, why did God put just these four verses in and move on? They seemed so short and insignificant, but I know that God doesn't do that! So, I asked God and read it again.

It is then that God brought this to my mind. The Pharisees and Sadducees wanted a sign even though they had seen many things before. I did a search and found it interesting that two times they are mentioned in Matthew before this the Bible states, "when the Pharisees saw it"... naturally I wanted to know what they saw. I really wasn't surprised (because Pastor and Julie teach so much) that they only saw the two things they thought were wrong. I started to think about how many miracles or as they requested, "sign from heaven" they probably saw!

It was then I realized how often God is showing me so many things, but it is not what I was looking for.... or just not the way that I wanted it. And not only did I see the wrong, but was completely blind to the miracles! How sinful to think I know so much by what I see and completely miss what God is showing.

Anyway, that is my truth for the day. Mostly it was for me, I really am not sure why I was compelled to share it.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

You know its been way too cold lately when...

your child, after grabbing the mail, says..."it's really nice outside" and it is 19 degrees not counting the wind chill which brings it to a whole 1!!!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Lazy Saturday

Today we all went door knocking, Jim went to do his 24hr shift, Kyle went to brush burning with Bro. John and Beth and I watched Sense & Sensibility. Not much happened which I really enjoyed. I fell asleep on the couch and now I am going to go to bed.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Busy Day

I got home from my sleep study at 6am. I really felt like I got a good night of sleep! I will have to wait until the doctor gets the results to know when I will get a CPAP least from what I can tell that is the plan. I looked at my result from the first test and it mentions lots of numbers, but I guess on average I stop breathing 18 times per hour...I stop more when in REM sleep. So, I am just waiting right now.

Here was my day:
6am got home/devotion
7:30 started school
10:30 therapy for my shoulder
11:45 watched Hunter, Carter, and Tanner (only until 2)
4pm did weekly shopping
6:30 left for a Pampered Chef party

The day went by really fast! I prefer days that are much slower....

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Accountability... good and bad.

A blogging buddy of mine (Tracy) is trying to lose weight and ever week she updates. She has inspired me to be accountable to do something about my weight. I have thought about my weight a lot, but never willing to really try. With my diagnosis of pre-diabetes it is time to start really getting serious. I have done better since I found that out that bit of news and as of today, I believe I have lost 4 pounds (I didn't write it down before). So, I know where my weight it as of today and every week, whether good or bad, I am going to post where I am at. My hope is that telling you every week what I am doing will be enough to keep me on track... I really don't want to tell you how bad I am!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Well, I started my occupational therapy (O.T.) today. My therapist did the eval, gave me a treatment of electrical stim and a cold pack, taped my shoulder, and gave me a couple exercises. I have all my appointment scheduled until I see the doctor again and only one will interfere with school, but we can do some before and after my appointment.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Scheduling Day

Wow! You won't believe this... well, of course God can do anything, but this is fast!

The missing referral was received by the therapy department and they have an opening tomorrow! And my appointment is in the afternoon, so school won't be interrupted...always a blessing!

Another thing, I received a call from the sleep center saying they needed to schedule my next study...hmmm think I have a problem??? When I saw the doctor on the 15th he said we would talk about the study next time, but they just sent over the referral. I truly love my doctor's office. This office is so good and getting things done, and he is very thorough with test and such. Oh, this appointment is set for THIS Thursday....Awesome!

I am getting a little tired of this......

THANK YOU to all that prayed for me. This is a great blessing to me.


Today we celebrated 100 days of school!!!
Here a the special things we did today:
creative writing with this: "I wish I had a 100____ because...".
art: they drew a picture incorporating 100 into it
a bean bag toss trying to get to 100 points (good for addding)
I read a book to them
watched a Moody DVD about faith
word search (I just realized how valuable this could be for spelling...little slow!)
answered: "what do know now that I didn't know 100 days ago
I also gave them a crossword puzzle book and 100 pennies top it off we had a chocolate cake with a big 100 on top.
This was a very atypical day, but we enjoyed it.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Just Stuff

Well, my shoulder is feeling a little better from the shot no doubt. I am able to move it much better, but I still can't take much weight/resistance with it. My referral seems to be lost someplace, so I don't have an appointment for therapy, but I am sure it will happen soon.

Tonight was "Family Night' and we spent our night enjoying chicken from Jewel. (Monday is cheap chicken night which is great) We played Chinese checkers, Rummikub, and Mille Bornes...let me think. Kyle won Chinese checkers, Jim and I each one a round of Rummikub, and I won Mille Bornes.

It is such a blessing to have a family that stops and plays together. Actually, while I am typing this Jim and Kyle are having a Nerf war. It puts a smile on my face when these two act crazy like that. :D

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Today I went to see the ortho doctor. He said I have bursitis in my right shoulder. He gave me a shot and I will be going to therapy as soon as they are able to get me in. I talked with the lady that makes the appointments and the soonest they have an opening in the 4th! So, if you read this I would greatly appreciate your prayers for a date much sooner. I will see the doctor again in 4 weeks, so it would really be nice to have some treatments done, not to mention that my arm hurts. Thanks much.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Sledding and a Home School Meeting

Today we went sledding at Delwood Park with Ms. Cheryl, Mr. John, Page, and Georgia! It was really cold up on that hill, but the kids had a great time. After they went down a few times we walked to where the creek is and something John called "The Hill of Death"and walked around and cracked ice for a while. It was really neat to see how thin the ice was, but how it would really stand up to people jumping on it! As we were walking and I was cracking ice I would let out this little scream... I just couldn't help it. It reminds me of old movies when the mother (aka the non-nature person) is out with the experienced group and is always the one "screaming" or saying we went too far. You know the worrier! I wasn't that bad really... at least I don't think I was! The O's are the type of people I wish I was more like in respect to being "the outdoor type". I like being outside in very limited quantities and usually in more sedentary activities. Anyway, we spent about and hour and a half out there and I was really surprised actually, I had a great time out there!!

Tonight was our bi-monthly home school meeting and it was WONDERFUL. Pastor's teaching tonight really hit home. It really made me think about some of the things we do. You know how you do something and then start getting away from it for no apparent reason...well, I looked the "ground I was sowing" and realized where we need to fix something. I am sure as I ponder this lesson God will bring other things to my mind!

Thank you Pastor and Julie for all your hard work and taking the time to invest in us. You are such a blessing.

Friday, January 16, 2009


Tonight while Kyle was on the youth activity, Beth and I worked on her science "project". I purchased a book called "The Glad Scientist" so we can work on reviewing the same type of material (the human body)we had been working on over the past semester. These are the pictures of her making a cell. After we were finished we looked online for an actual cell during mitosis and it was very neat. I have an interest in all this from being in the medical field years ago and my hope is that she won't be quiet as "freaked out" as she has been. Being my second time around with this, it is awesome to see it from a godly perspective! The human body is so awesome.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Sometimes It Works, Sometimes It Doesn't

Hi all. I am having computer problems, so if i drop off the blog for awhile you will know that I am either having computer issues or that I am being a slacker again... I will know which, but it may be hard for you to tell. Last night I didn't have a mouse, so I couldn't open anything... I was going to tell you something that Beth said yesterday, but today it escapes me!

We enjoyed our family night on Monday by playing 3 different games and having chicken from Jewel. Monday nights are great for Jewel chicken because it is so reasonable. After that the kids and I watched a Moody DVD called, " The Ultimate Adventure". God sure is amazing with all He provides!!

Yesterday we stayed inside, except the kids ran out to the garage to get an icicle. Kyle came back with one that was guessing 18 inches long! They gave it to the dog and I wish I would have taken pictures. That dog is still crazy.

I have to get back to schooling and then out for shoveling. Have a great day!!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Well, for the past almost two weeks life has been on super speed. Our last week of our Christmas break went faster than I imagined it would!

This is some of what we/I have done this week:
-had our Round-Up Sunday. The kids made chili (with a little help from me) and actually won third place! It is my Mom's recipe and I think it is wonderful.
-started our bookwork again and have finished our first semester! It is hard to believe that our school year is half over.
-Went to the eye doctor and went back to pick up my new glasses
-shoveled snow
-got the dog's nails clipped (and purchased her food) There is a wonderful lady in town that only charges 5.00 to clip Boston's nails in case you local people are interested.
-took down the Christmas tree and decorations
-had "family night" on Tuesday
-had date night on Friday

Brother Jeremy preached/taught on Wednesday night and it was really good!! I do enjoy hearing him. I am amazed at such a young man having his life so "together" to serve God so fervently.

Today Dr. Gray is coming to our church and I am so looking forward to that!

I will try to be better about my posts... I am sure there is something I could tell you everyday! ;)