Yep, I titled this post flags. It is however a little more than that... it is a strange story about flags... you know the little flags they put in when someone is going to dig. Oh and pretty paint that reads "OK".
'Round about June 19th a couple of little flags were placed in my front yard in the parkway by our big tree. Then later another... and then more and then it happened again. I never see anyone place these mysterious flags, they just multipy.... So, as of now there a 10... yes, I counted them... 10 flags marking the ground by my tree. There are 5 orange ones, 2 clear ones. and 3 red ones. So, logically one would wonder...why are these flags here? Well since it has been a month and a half (according to their dating the flags) I finally decided to call the companies on the flags.
Call 2: Hmmm I don't know why there are flags there. I don't see anything marked, but they probably are not finished so don't take them out. So, I said... so you have no idea why I have these flags in my yard. Nope. Okay... She asked if there was anything else she could do, I told her no unless she wanted to come pull up some flags... I got her to laugh.
Call to company 2: Hmmm I don't know why there are flags there. I don't see anything marked... (this sound familar) So, rather than answering any more of my questions, she tries to get me to change my home services for theirs....hmmmm, no. After she gave her sales pitch, I asked again about the flags, oh, you should try the state number. Okay sounds reasonable (?)
Connected to company 2 part 2: Hmmm I don't know why there are flags there. I don't see anything marked... (this sound familar). So, he didn't tell me why they were there. BUT he did inform me that they are flags marking the ground... I thought that was very helpful. He then said I should call the village... sure why not!
Call number next: Hmmm I don't know why there are flags there. I don't see anything marked... But at least she said that is strange they don't know why they have flags out. Yeah!!! It's not just me!!!! But she said she would connect me with another part of the city that maybe could tell me if they are doing something in the area.
Connected to number next part 2: Leave a message thinking that I sound like a complete do you explain all this on a machine??? So, she calls back and asked for the address and will look into it, but there isn't anythign that she is aware of.
So, if you have little flags appear in your yard and no one put them there and no one knows why they are there, don't move them and just enjoy that everything is "OK"???
P.S. I just talked to Jim about this whole thing and after I asked a few questions...Jim said, "I don't know, I didn't put them there".