Friday, February 29, 2008

Just Stuff
My days have been busy with getting back on my schedule ( I have all my laundry AND ironing done!!) and getting ready for tomorrow. I can't believe the conference is here already; I just love these events. Perhaps it is just me, but I really feel like the conference is really going to stir many people. Well, I have more stuff to get done. Have a great night.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

The REALLY long math problem

The question Beth asked today was, “Why do we have to do multiplication?”

I gave a simple answer, “So when we are at the store and need to buy 10 boxes at 13.76 each we will know how much it will cost”.

She didn’t much care for that answer and said, “I don’t need multiplication for that. I can just do my math” and she explained it quickly.

I didn’t much care for that answer and showed her how it would be done except I used that we would purchase 8 boxes to make it a little more of a problem.

She thought that was too much work and asked, “Why can’t I just do it my way?”

No really understanding “her way”, I asked her to show it to me. Here it is (using 10):

The price is 13.76, so just round it to 14.00.
The 100 is easy.
10 sets of 4 is 40
Change that to 5 sets of 8 by adding the 4’s together
Add 2 of the 8’s twice 16 and 16
That is 32
Left over is the other 8, which she somehow butchered some more that I can’t really remember anymore!!

And she came out with the fact, when rounded, it would be 140.00.

HUH!? Couldn't we have left it rounded in the first place??

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

This and That

What to tell...

Saturday was a nice day; after door knocking I came home and worked on the skit for the conference, review the Sunday School lesson, and baked some banana bread.

Sunday was busy as usual. We enjoyed giving Jeremy his gifts, we had a great Sunday School class (I really like this class), and Birthday and Anniversary was great. Thanks to everyone that brought pies and thanks to the wonderful team that works so hard.

Monday we just got school done, chores, went to the library, and enjoyed our family night.

Today we all shoveled snow here at home and for a friend. I think snow is pretty, but I am looking forward to some beautiful spring flowers! We also started our next unit today, the body. Beth is less than thrilled about this because she thinks that it is gross. That is part of the reason we are doing it. Being that I was in the medical field, I think studying the body is "nothing", I hope to have her see that it is a wonderful creation God made. Of course, she said that she knows that and thinks it is great, she just doesn't want to look at it!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Young Author and Artist Night

Young Authors and Artists Night was wonderful. The kids had a great time. All the kids did a really good job on their projects. Thank you Julie for hosting another great event for our home schooled children. You are the best and we love you.

I, of course, am going to show you the stuff my kids did....

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


There isn't much to tell you to be honest.

I have been just trying to get things done around here... you know, the usual stuff, cooking, cleaning, ironing, schooling, getting projects finished for this Friday. I have to say tonight has been nice, I listened to the Bible on tape and that was so calming... I loved it. I did a few other things at the desk, and I plan on doing a few other things and then off to bed. So, have a good night!

Friday, February 15, 2008


Tonight was WONDERFUL!!
Thank you to Brother Jeremy, Ms. Sabrina, Miss Kina, Pastor, Julie, and Pastor Petrick!!
Aren't we cute??

The lovely couple that did SO much work! Sabrina you look beautiful!!

One of the many fun games! Congrats Brother Jonathan and Ms. April.

My favorite man right after the toast... I was paying attention to him doing the toast to me, so I didn't take a picture of the actual toast.

Pastor Petrick gave a wonderful talk about love.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine Party

Here are a few pictures from the Valentine Party!
Kyle and Beth really had a good time. Thank you Pastor and Julie for all your hard work and the time you spent to get this organized. I am so grateful for you both.

The real reason Kyle wanted to go to the party...


Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Hey All

I have the best news!! I found a dress today for the Valentine Banquet on Friday.

This was an answer to prayer for a couple of reasons:
1. I had to find something with limited time
2. I had to find something that was modest and pretty
3. I wanted to find a real bargain

So, my answered prayer goes like this: I found the dress in less then 2 hours, I like it, and it was originally 100.00 but I got it for 19.95!!


Monday, February 11, 2008


Today we learned that heated air expands and when it cools it contracts; the above is the result. Since God made things to be balanced, the egg is pulled into the jar to equalize the pressure!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Too Cute

After dinner today we had some left over fried potatoes and Kyle and I started eating them out of the pan (I know, we are bad...sorry).

Anyway, Beth saw them and asked, "Oh, can I have some"?

And my answer was, as Jayne I and often joke with the kids, "Do you have five bucks"?

Beth replied, "No, but I have a fork!" and she started eating.

I laughed and told her that was "blog worthy".

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Just Stuff

Lets see... what should I tell you all.

We have been busy just doing things. The kids went to chapel yesterday morning and they really enjoyed that (as always). We went to Jayne's after that so we could start on our skit for the Ladies Conference..we didn't get really far, but it was an enjoyable time. Jim and I had our night our last night which is always nice to just spend time together. Today Jim and Kyle went to the Men's breakfast, the soul winning class, and soul winning. I joined them for the class only because I took Beth to Dr. John's as she was complaining of ear pain again. So, it seems that her pain is not from her ears, but from her jaw; in medical language, she has inflammation of her temporal mandibular joint (TMJ). Basically, we just keep on eye on her and at least now I know how to tell the difference between the two types of pain (obviously before it gets to where she is just laying around in terrible pain!) Tonight we are just hanging around. They played a game, I fixed a pair of Kyle's pants, and we read our Bible. Such an exciting post, but that is life. Have a good night.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Good Morning

Good Morning All!!!
I just had the best time with the Lord this morning!
While I was praying this song, "Thank You Lord" by Bruce Frye, came to my mind.

Thank you Lord for giving me peace, for saving my soul
Thank you Lord for changing my life, for taking control

I will love you with all my heart
With all my soul and with all my mind
Thank you thank you, Lord

Thank you Lord, for giving me hope, for family and friends
Thank you Lord, for loving me so through trials that you send

I will love you with all my heart
With all my soul and with all my mind
Thank you, thank you Lord

Thank you Lord, for bearing the cross, forgiving my sin
Thank you, Lord for the promise you gave your coming again

I will love you with all my heart
With all my soul and with all my mind
Thank you, thank you, Lord

I will love you with all my heart
With all my soul and with all my mind
Thank you thank you, Lord
Thank you thank you, Lord
I have been listening to all three of these CD's since Mr. Frye came out to our church and they have been such a blessing to me!! The Lord used these songs to bring me closer to Him and I find them very encouraging.
You can hear a little bit of them here:
or you can actually see him at different churches if you rather
I absolutely love what Pastor said last night about having a choice and we decide if something is going to discourage us.
But of course there are times when we are discouraged and there are three things to do:
1. Take the responsibility for it your self
2. Acknowledge my dependence on God
3. Go to the Bible to be encouraged
So, my post for today is all about encouraging yourself.
The only thing that will make a difference is GOD.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Mother & Daughter Time

Today we didn't have school... it was a "snow day". Jim and Kyle were working on snow removal here and at another home until midnight, so the principle gave us (Kyle) the day off.

Today started nicely with a pancake breakfast while listening to our new Patch the Pirate CD. After that the fighting started. He did this, so she did that, and since he did this, she did that.... SO, what is any mom to do. Send one of them to their room while I got ready to go out to get dog food and...

take the said "she" from the above story and treat her to a date with Mom. Now, I don't usually take either of the kids on "dates", but I try to spend some amount of time with them individually; which unfortunately hasn't been happening much lately, nor do I usually reward negative behavior. However, I have noticed a little trend lately with Beth, so I thought that is was time she got me all to herself.

So, after we went to get the dog food, we stopped at the library for about 45 minutes, just working together picking out the books she found using the computer and sitting talking for a few minutes. During that talk, she told me she really didn't want to go home just yet. At this point it was 1:20 and didn't really want to go eat, but she wanted to do something... so, I thought Dunkin' Donuts. I had a gift card, so I used it to get myself some hot chocolate and Beth got not one, but two donuts. We sat and talked about girl stuff and I pulled out my Bible and gave her a couple of verses that I think we all need to learn:

1Timothy 2:9-13
In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works. Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve.


But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.

Why do I think that she needed to learn this at the age of 9? Well, I can answer that with another it ever to early to teach her to be in subjectin to authority?

I can see that over time, as Kyle has more authority and responsiblitly to be the one who watches her while we are out, Beth has more of a need to be in subjection to others. Why? Simple because that is what life is all about!

Shocking as it may seem, she didn't think the fight was really her fault. So, I stopped and took the time needed not only to spend some time with my not so little, little girl but also to help her see her part in the problem and Who we go to when things aren't the way we would like them to be.

As I was getting to this part I was thinking of some wonderful way to end this.... Then it hit me, tell them how they just had another little tiff. Well, Beth got upset by something Kyle just did and I could see the fire in her eyes. Kyle walked off and I asked Beth to come talk with me. I asked her what we talked about while we were at Dunkin Donuts. The reply, "I don't know". Hmmmm does anyone believe that?! So, I reiterated what I said and mysteriously she remembered it. She went off to pray and I spoke to Kyle about the situation and a few minutes later, Beth was happily playing with a toy. I asked her how she was doing and she just looked up at me, smiled, and said, "good".

It was such a blessing to have her actually do what I told her and our ever faithful Lord is there to help us as He says.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

My husband is Wonderful

My husband is just wonderful.

I just wanted you all to know that.
Last night was not anything extra special, but we went out to dinner and talked. How does that make him wonderful you might be wondering? Well, it is the very act that he takes the time to spend with me every week. Honestly, we may miss a night here or there, but often if we miss the night, it will get moved to the next night.

Why am I posting this on this particular week? It was something he said last night. I wanted to be prepared for our day tomorrow, so I asked him if he had the shirt that he wanted (there are two white shirts in there... but I never know if that is the correct shirt... he has a pattern...but I often don't get it, they look like white shirts to me! It's just his way).

Anyway, his response was, "Of course I do, you take such good care of me".

He didn't say this with any tone; he just said it as he has said it before. He doesn't say it all the time, but when he says it, he actually means it.

This is the part where I tell you why he is so wonderful:

He is so wonderful because I try to take care of him, but get behind, overwhelmed, tired, or just lazy, but you wouldn't know it. As a general rule, he doesn't tell me the negative things I do. It would seem that he lives with blinders on at times!

So, as I was thinking about this, I wondered: does he say this just to say it or make me work harder to do what he wants done. The answer.... I have no clue. If I ask him (of course I have in the past) he simply response with all the things I am doing right which of course proves his point ;).
As I was thinking about this... I thought it probably works better than anything else. Why wouldn't I want to try to do things better? And you know, even though there are slow changes, there are changes for the better all the time.
So, why is he wonderful? Just because he loves me and makes me feel like I do everything right just for him.